Anyone else using Meebo?

Discussion in 'Water Cooler' started by ArnyVee, Sep 27, 2009.

  1. ArnyVee

    ArnyVee Regular Member

    Wow, I kept hearing about it, but I've now because a use of Meebo and it's great!

    What a great tool to have all of your IM clients in one solution. Good work by them! :D

    Anyone else using it? Any cool tips that you can share with a new user?
  2. Tom

    Tom Regular Member

    I use it for AIM, because I don't have it installed, otherwise I use the real Windows Live, Yahoo, Facebook, etc.

    Back when I was against downloading all sorts of programs I used it, and it's great, very convenient.
  3. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Moved to "Miscellaneous Discussion". :)
  4. Ak Worm

    Ak Worm Grand Master

    I use it at school.
  5. Bryce

    Bryce Regular Member

    Pidgin > Meebo =).

    But yes, I've heard of it but don't really like it.
  6. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    I'm quite fond of Meebo and tend to use it over the actual IM client (i.e. AIM, Windows Live Messenger, etc). It can be a bit buggy at times but is great overall. :)
  7. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    Nothing beats having software on your computer for instant messaging, its a shame windows live messenger doesnt allow you to login with all the different IMs out there. I have seen Meebo, never tried it.
  8. twhiting9275

    twhiting9275 Regular Member

    Been a sucker for Trillian for years. One piece of software for everything IM and Social network wise, I love it! Meebo? Doesn't look that great.
  9. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    Yes it does. pics Pisoga Update/MSN.png

    Also you can set up your e-mails etc for MSN to be your instant messaging thingy... whingy...thingy.
  10. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    Does anything other than yahoo work with it too?
  11. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    Yeah, you can use your own e-mail, example: [email protected]. As far as I know, you can use any e-mail and configure it to use MSN messenger as your main IM.
  12. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    I don't believe that any of the other major instant messaging clients (i.e. AIM) are supported, no.
  13. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    No haven't used this. I used Trillian years ago. But since I've cut down to using nothing but Yahoo IM, no need for it.
  14. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

  15. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

  16. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    I get what you mean, I've never used aim, but don't they give you an e-mail adress?

    I am sure you can't log in with JUST yourscreenname, but you can have an account with [email protected]?
  17. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    Only have MSN Messenger on my phone. Don't run IM clients on my PC anymore.
  18. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    They do provide you with an e-mail account automatically, so you would indeed be able to register an identity with that, yes. :)
  19. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    You can log in with either. AOL user's don't have an email address. ;) The entire purpose of AOL Instant Messenger was to allow AOL users to talk to non-AOL users either using the AOL Client or the AIM client.

    I've never logged into AIM using an email address, just the screenname, and I haven't been an AOL customer for 13 years. Don't use it anymore though because I just maintained it to allow my mother to contact me if she needed to. Now she just sends me an SMS from her phone.

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