Anyone else leaving EPN?

Discussion in 'Monetization Techniques' started by Sylvain, Nov 13, 2013.

  1. Sylvain

    Sylvain Regular Member

    Ebay partner network has changed cookies duration. They were 7 days and now they are 1 day. My earnings drop significantly. I changed all my banners to adsense. Anyone else leaving the epn boat?
  2. MyDigitalpoint

    MyDigitalpoint Regular Member

    I will leave Amazon too, but for sure I will not put any effort in AdSense bearing in mind that they owe me over $200 and don't reply to my emails about this issue.

    Last time I heard from them was that their "engineers" were looking into the problem preventing my payment from being issued, and this was over a year ago.

    However when it comes to Amazon, I think I will give it a second opportunity to Linkshare again.
  3. Sylvain

    Sylvain Regular Member

    I've removed most of my EPN banners and replaced them with adsense. Now making more money with adsense than ebay for the first time.

    How is linkshare?
  4. MyDigitalpoint

    MyDigitalpoint Regular Member

    Linkshare is similar to Commision Junction, you go over there to select the advertisers your would like to work with based on your niche, conversion rate, type of offer (PPC, PPA, pay per lead, etc.) and being a central too, you can build campaigns, select banners and have all the money from the different advertisers in one place.
  5. Sylvain

    Sylvain Regular Member

    Earnings from epn this month is ridiculous..... 0.50 $ lol
  6. LeadFoot

    LeadFoot Regular Member

    I've got you beat - my April epn earnings are currently -$47

    I was big into affiliate sites, and made good money from epn back in the day. I've since been pulling eBay from all my sites
  7. bucket

    bucket Addict

    IMO, epn lost its advantage over amazon with its own 24-hour cookie.

    I will leave ebay on a couple of sites that have domain names suitable for auctions.

    even those will require some changes, because epn is retiring the editor kit.

    has anyone tried associate-o-matic (amazon) for their non-epn sites?
  8. Joeychgo

    Joeychgo Regular Member

    I use VigLink to monetize my ebay links... I wont disclose how much I make, but I haven't noticed an appreciable difference since the change in how ebay calculates commissions. In fact, my March 2014 revenue was 10% higher then March 2013.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 6, 2014

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