Answering to a post

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by rosebud, Jul 9, 2005.

  1. rosebud

    rosebud Regular Member

    Still quite don't understand this. When replying to a post do I press on Quote or quick reply to the post. Or do I press on new reply this is in the red box?

    Sometimes I see edit when I go back and check on my post.

    I guess I am still trying to figure this site out.

    Me and computers just don't mix. And so scared that if I press the wrong button my computer will blow up. lol
  2. psi

    psi Regular Member

    use new reply to use the smilies, colors, fonts, etc when replying within a thread. This is one you'll use most often.

    If you wish to quote the exact words from someone's post like I will with Part of yours
    You use quote button to quote previous posts and then outside the quote marks which look like [ Quote=someone's name]the quoted material here[ /quote] you type Your reply.

    Quick reply I haven't used in a long time I think it's minus any features of editing so use new reply mainly eh.

    Also within new reply you can still quote someone like I did for my post here. Hope this helps.
  3. rosebud

    rosebud Regular Member

    Thank you for helping. Much appreciated. :)
  4. BullCrap

    BullCrap Regular Member

    I think it is easy to use quick repley in a flame fourm!!
  5. rosebud

    rosebud Regular Member

    Flame forum? could you explain to me what that is please.
  6. rosebud

    rosebud Regular Member

    Another question, sorry. How do I get rid of the edit that seems to be at the bottom of my post?
  7. Diesel

    Diesel Regular Member

    You can't.
    If you're talking about the edit button, that's there so you can go back and revise your own posts. Only you, mods, and admins can use that button.

    If you're talking about the inserted text (I know it used to appear, not sure if it still does), that cannot be removed either. It's just to denote that someone has edited the post.
  8. Schizander

    Schizander Regular Member

    A couple of things. Can you post an attachment to a thread post, like say a digital photo? At a previous site which is similar in some ways to this one, you were allowed to post pics but they were limited in size. You were also allowed to post your own avatar pic, but that also had a size limit...(75X90 pixels I think it was) but the attachment pics were larger.

    I see that when you use the quote thingy, it posts the entire post of the person you are do you just delete everything but the line or what few words you need from the other person's post?
  9. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    yes, and yes
  10. sentinel1

    sentinel1 Regular Member

    how do you post a picture in a post? All I see is a url and that does not work?
  11. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

  12. lobo

    lobo Guest

    [marquee]ALIEN CONSPIRACY![/marquee]
  13. Light

    Light Regular Member


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