Another vBulletin Article

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by Nick, Oct 30, 2009.

  1. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

  2. Foo

    Foo Newcomer

    I'd like to thank this forum for having an open discussion on the new vBulletin Policies. I lurked around and read most of the posts here on the subject and they all contributed to the article. It's a mix of humor and fact.

    More over, I wanted to remind the license holders our actions carry down onto our users. vBulletin's software has millions of users across the world their actions carry onto. It rests on us to make the right decision (stay or leave) because we have a greater social responsibility. Also, we'll hear the complaints first.

    The article is always open to suggestions and criticism. I'll even change and apologize if something is outright wrong.

  3. David

    David Regular Member

    Thanks for the back Link Foo! I was surprised to see that in there!

    Great article!
  4. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    nice title, but it's just the same thing over and over again (another vbulletin screwed it's customers article)

    but that is the joy of free speech ;)
  5. Foo

    Foo Newcomer

    Actually, that is the blessing of having differing opinions.

    Unlike other articles, I at least try to address one alternative of using Joomla, phpBB, and jFusion Bridge to accomplish the CMS goal.

    My major concern, which is easy to fix, is an update path for the vBulletin 3.8.x series that doesn't involve purchasing the vBulletin 4.x series. vBulletin would only have to charge $30/yr for updates. As it is now, there is no license renewal, and no further security patches when the subscription runs out.

    A lot are disillusioned and would love to wait before upgrading to vBulletin 4. Not be fanatically rushed into new software without a demo. Poor Jelsoft, they made two poor decisions. The first being this promotion, the second is the handling of their community.
  6. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I hope you didn't take it personal, but after you read the same article on blog after blog, or thread after thread or twitter account, it's gets a bit old and anti-productive.
    I'll admit, I wasn't a fan of the way iNet handled itself, but I would rather focus on being productive and moving forward.
    I purchased an IPB license a few months back when I saw the vB devs dropping out, I'm not planning on changing my current vBulletin board, but I'm not going to limit myself either.
  7. Foo

    Foo Newcomer

    Of course I take it personally! Every time someone replies to a thread, you have to squash any contrary opinion. (Sarcasm)

    I have not picked up a IPB License yet. Nor have I installed phpBB with it's wonderful "Open Source" mod. I'll probably make the decision next month "Where to go from here?"

    I really like Juan from vBSEO and his efforts over there. With that package, I am assured I'll have the best Forum SEO hands down. Something very important to me.

    For now, I am going to watch how vBulletin handles themselves after Nov 1st.
  8. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I think vBSEO is one of the best things vBulletin has going for them :cool:
  9. Been Told

    Been Told Regular Member

  10. ptwiggens

    ptwiggens Novice

    "vBulletin also denies that it prevented customers from downloading certain software modifications from a sister site at - again contradicting statements from multiple users."

    And later:

    "But a separate vBulletin representative acknowledges that the company revoked some users' ability to access as licensed customers. This would prevent them from downloading software modifications from the site."

    Anyone still think vBulletin is playing fair?
  11. nohuhu

    nohuhu Novice

    i ran my forum on phpbb for two years and i have a strong impression that it's only suited for simple communities without any special needs. if you run plain vanilla phpbb, it's fine, but once you've installed a couple of mods, it becomes a maintenance PITA and the more you add, the less manageable it gets. i didn't move to vbulletin just because i had some money burning my pocket, i realized that it can't go on like that anymore, i can't support a forum where a mod is on top of a mod on top of a patch on top of a poorly written software, it was just ugly unholy mess and frankly i was afraid to breathe on it. the main vbulletin advantage is, in my opinion, its mod engine and there is nothing like it in phpbb. with vbulletin, if some mod gives you any merde you can just switch it off, and with phpbb you'd have to get your board source from a backup and copy it over. if you have more than one mod installed and one of them is misbehaving, well, go figure what was installed after what and what the hell you're supposed to do with all this mess. no way i'm going back to this and i can't advise anyone to go for it.
    oh, and the gaia online project you've mentioned is not a good example either. even phpbb developers admit that gaia is not phpbb anymore, it was heavily rewritten and optimized but not for free, as far as i know.
  12. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    3 people like this.
  13. Gordie

    Gordie Adept

    Re: ....And *another* vBulletin Article

    Thanks Nick - good find.

    That's probably the most concise article written yet, although he completely missed the issues surrounding customers with blog licenses.
  14. banger

    banger Addict

    Re: ....And *another* vBulletin Article

    Yes, very comprehensive and concise. There is a small part about the blog and developers addons but I think that there were so many blunders on so many levels that it's difficult to capture them all. This is an organized presentation.
  15. tryfuhl

    tryfuhl Champion

    Internet Brands reminds me a lot of my favorite football team, The Washington Redskins.

    Let's make decisions based purely on money that we can get ASAP and then quiet the dissenters.
  16. hotwheels

    hotwheels Champion

    That is a great article and link. I was banned for life from vbulletin for being angry about loosing my blog upgrades that i had paid for. I still have trouble believing that people think it's okay to be bullied into buying a suite just to keep receiving upgrades for software you previously purchased.

    I use a cms on my site and don't need vbulletins. The only software i have purchased and continue to use is the forums software and the blogs. I am very angry and disappointed in how Steve Machol and Wayne Luke treat loyal customers who don't agree with what is happening. They are trying to control what is posted on vbulletin, even if it is in the customer feedback section, so all potential new customers see, is positive posts.

    I paid my renewal fee only to find out about the ownership team changes. After reading the leaked information from i jumped over to and started voicing my concerns, since then, i have been harassed and intimidated by the management team there and have lost all respect for as a whole. Please beware of the tactics they are using and if you want to continue using their software, bend down, worship steve and wayne or face banning.


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