Announcing Zero Tolerance

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by Dan Hutter, Nov 1, 2010.

  1. jfactor1

    jfactor1 Regular Member

    Dan, you're ugly & your mother dresses you funny. BTW, you have a freakin' giant head!!!
  2. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    Jay! Long time no see buddy what are you doing slummin' with us lowly DJs? :D
  3. Thunder Hag

    Thunder Hag Regular Member

    Well I guess I will post this question here.
    I had posted it in Athena's thread but Joker closed it before my question was answered.

    I have a question...
    I really am not trying to stir the pot but have wondered before and never asked.
    If someone openly admits being a pirate, and calls themselves one can we then call them a pirate?
    Also, would OKJT allow them to post?
  4. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    That's quite a strange question but I'll answer. If they want to call themselves a pirate it's their prerogative. They would be allowed to post as any other member. I'm guessing someone who calls themselves a pirate wouldn't be upset if someone else were to call them a pirate. If they did get upset, tough cookies IMHO.

    The issue here on OKJT is when someone is labeled and/or called a pirate in an effort to insult and inflame.

    Recently one of our members who was labeled a pirate and pissed and moaned constantly about it has been using 'pirate' to inflame. When I've bothered to read the drivel, I've almost spit my coffee out laughing a couple of times. The irony hasn't been lost on me. :D
  5. JoeChartreuse

    JoeChartreuse Regular Member

    Wait- you're skipping the drivel? Not fair! Skip the drivel and forum maintainance goes down to about 4 minutes a day! :smilepill::biggrinpill::laughpill::winkpill:
  6. KJSandman

    KJSandman Regular Member

    Question: When someone displays a symbol that literally and figuratively represents piracy as their avatar, is that individual identifying themselves as a pirate?

    quoted from Wiki (

    Despite the widespread use of avatars, it is unknown which Internet forums were the first to use them; the earliest forums did not include avatars as a default feature, and they were included in unofficial "hacks" before eventually being made standard. Avatars on Internet forums serve the purpose of representing users and their actions, personalizing their contributions to the forum, and may represent different parts of their persona, beliefs, interests or social status in the forum.
  7. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    I'm quite familar avatars. Thank you. Unless someone calls themselves a pirate in text, their username or user title it's a no go.
  8. KJSandman

    KJSandman Regular Member

    Just as my avatar represents my current fingerless, bloody, intensity. :D
  9. c. staley

    c. staley Regular Member

    Yeah right.....
  10. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    Here I thought you snapped a picture of me. :D
  11. c. staley

    c. staley Regular Member

    So that whole avatar story makes Audio1 a what?????
  12. Audio One

    Audio One Regular Member

    I think my avatar speaks for itself Chip.
  13. JoeChartreuse

    JoeChartreuse Regular Member

    Looks like a pirate who only wants to steal red circles with lines through them. I don't imagine there would be a huge re-sale market for these, but everyone has their favorite stuff, I guess... :laughpill:
  14. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    My thoughts are it makes him someone who doesn't like pirates. Was it so hard to read that?
  15. possumdog

    possumdog Regular Member

    My avatar signifies that I'm a bitch, I guess. Except it's a male dog. I'm a cross-dressing bitch, then.
  16. KJSandman

    KJSandman Regular Member

    Regardless, I ain't a gonna call you no bitch. Wouldn't that be transsexual? Male dog? :D
  17. possumdog

    possumdog Regular Member

    Well, the dog's sex hasn't changed. It is just me pretending to be him/her so I decided it was cross-dressing. But then that drags some strange animal things in. And, as the dog has departed this plane long ago, it brings in necrophilia or zombies or vampires or something, too. This Avatar thing is much more dangerous and full of hidden meaning than first perceived. Woe to those that take it seriously.
  18. JoeChartreuse

    JoeChartreuse Regular Member

    I was attempting a mood lightening funny- Unsuccessfully, I guess.

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