Announcing Features

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by Michael, Aug 31, 2009.

  1. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    On your forums do you tend to announce new features that have been added or inform your members of them in some way? I notice some forums announce every new feature added in an announcements forum and the rest dont announce anything at all other than major updates like a lengthy forseeable downtime along with major software updates and upgrades.

    On our forums we have an announcements forum specifically for all updates to the forum, we tend to announce anything we see worthy of it like a major post count milestone or a major/cool feature addition. We dont tend to announce things like a link has been added to xyz information, not unless it is 100% needed by our members.

    Do you think it is good to get your members feedback on new additions or is it like it or lump it on your forums? :D
  2. Ryan

    Ryan Regular Member

    Normally I do not, unless it is something which would highly affect the members. If I told them about everything I installed it would be useless as half my plugins/mods are for staff use and not member use.
  3. Tom

    Tom Regular Member

    No, we let them explore, and find new things/additions to the community themselves. However, in the We Miss You e-mail, I was thinking about mentioning new features, etc, that can bring members back.
  4. David

    David Regular Member

    I try to bunch everything together and only do features/updates when there is planned down time and then surprise members with new features. I'll generally keep everything for that update within a thread and dedicate posts to a new feature then simply link to a post for explanations
  5. BabyDesigner

    BabyDesigner Adept

    I generally do announce it to my members, unless its something really tiny. I think its good to let members know and keep them up to date with things that have been happening recently. I also like their feedback.
  6. kev

    kev Regular Member

    My forums have a site information section, and that is where I post updates and other news.
  7. Peacelily

    Peacelily Adept

    We have a misc update section where I just drop a note that something has changed. Members who like to keep apprised of this kind of thing enjoy it.
  8. tech

    tech Regular Member

    I have an announcements for large update and small updates for..small updates just like a new mod or something, for example a large announcement recently for us was a 20 slot Ventrilo Server..and Small Updates where User Group Updates..
  9. cheat-master30

    cheat-master30 Grand Master

    I generally announce anything new that's added, whether it's a major feature such like as an arcade/gallery/modification, or something minor like new smilies, BB code or arcade games.
  10. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    I'll always announce the addition of new features and/or modifications.

    Generally, I'll create one individual thread within the announcements forum solely dedicated to the addition of such features. When something new is installed, I'll take the time to make a post within the thread - it's as simple as that (and the members appreciate it).
  11. Paul M

    Paul M Dr Pepper Addict

    Yep, we have an announcements forum for things like this.
  12. torque

    torque Regular Member

    I don't make announcements on my forums - i have an announcement board where every 2 months we post an updates post - which has all changes, additions we have added etc etc.

    Every two months the same announcement gets mass emailed to all members as part of signing up to the forums the user elects into regular updates... so all announcements are mass emailed to all members.
  13. gnatster

    gnatster Regular Member

    I maintain a section that lists and describes all major feature additions and updates. Once a month, usually around the 1st or so I send all new members that have registered since the last 'newsletter' a note thanking them for being members and point out various threads such as the "How Do I..." and "Features of Motoring Alliance". I normally get back a few replies thanking me for pointing these out.

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