The fact that our default skin has always been restricted to a mere width of 892 pixels has bugged the heck out of so many people since the beginning of our existence. If I didn't have a puny monitor, I'd probably be bugged by the wasted space too. I finally decided to sit down today and play with the styling and see if I could devise a fluid variation. With my lack of coding and designing/styling skills, I had no luck. So I called in the master of design, Shelley, who gladly offered to take a peek and see what she could work up... and, as you probably guessed - she figured it out for us! :woohoo: So if you scroll on down to the very bottom of the page, and choose the "AdminAddict (Fluid)" skin you will be amazed to see our 100% wide fluid skin for use on those gigantic monitors that many of you have. There may be some quirks with it, so please do bring them to my attention. I don't have a wide monitor to test it out on, so I'm depending on you guys to do that. Please include screenshots in any error reports you post. Enjoy!
Lol...big....(inb4ppltakingitoutofcontext) pics Pisoga Update/54res.png
Personally, I will stick with the small one, it looks just a bit too huge for me. Maybe putting it at 90% or 80% could make it better? Just a suggestion.
For some reason, the header goes out of whack at anything lower than 100%. Shelley is exploring to figure out how to get it to 95% without a screwed up header. You could always keep your browser window not-maximized.
Im using the fixed one as normal, I tend to have my browser at 1024 x 768 on a daily basis anyway The percentage change would be a good improvement to it.
I don't mind them, but I prefer fixed-width designs because once you set it, your viewers will see it the way you want it most of the time.
It depends on what size monitor they use. The larger the monitor, the more space on the outside perimeter of the forum they have to look at. I always design fluid width. Everyone sees the style the same way.
It's all working on the test board at 90% with the sidebar. just need nick to make the appropriate changes here and all is well. Personally, I think 95% would be better but 90% is still good.
I aint on 1024 myself, I use the web dev addon to get it that size, I just cant stand all the whitespace on fluid templates on any site, I tend to have half for msn and filezilla etc and the other for Firefox
That's basically what I do, but I just size my browser windows to what I think looks good, and go with that. On my 22" monitor I don't like to maximize more windows.
Two updates (woohoo!) 1 - On the default/normal fixed version of the skin, the sidebar width has been reduced from 200px to 180px, leaving more room for the forum info and reducing the width of the sidebar. 2 - On the new fluid version of the skin, the width has been reduced from 100% to 90%, which is a greater improvement. The change in width of the sidebar (mentioned above) has been inherited in this style as well. So I think everybody is happy now. Thanks a bunch to Shelley! Be sure to continue to share your feedback and put forth any more suggestions or ideas.