Amazon Affiliates

Discussion in 'SEO, Traffic and Revenue' started by Peace, Dec 1, 2013.

  1. Peace

    Peace Regular Member

    Anyone here use Amazon Affiliates? We just added it to our site, and it's unbelievable!

    We set up a book shelf:

    And in the first month, it made over $200. It started out slow, with a rate of 2% - but now we're at 7% sales, and someone just bought a bed after clicking those links! December is off to a good start :)

    Definitely recommend this service to all admins!
  2. rodserd

    rodserd Regular Member

    I've heard great things about Amazon and their affiliate service. How active is your site? Just making $200 doesn't mean much. Its amazing if you have 100 hits a year, but not so much if you have 100,000 hits a day.
  3. Peace

    Peace Regular Member

    Oh good point - here are our Google Analytics numbers for that month (Oct 1 - Oct 31)


    Something to keep in mind for people who get frustrated with Affiliates early on: the income continues to rise as more people use it, because the commission percentage gets bumped up every few hundred purchases. I think we started with a referral rate of 3%, and it's now up to 6.5%

    Definitely not as effective as AdSense for us, but $200 extra per month can't hurt. Plus our members really like the book shelf as a new resource.

    Hope this helps!
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2013
  4. MyDigitalpoint

    MyDigitalpoint Regular Member

    I know my sister makes good money from Amazon affiliates but I was never able to do a decent revenue and put this affiliate aside.

    However your above input makes me think that perhaps it's time to give it a second try :)

    By the way, the bookshelf is an excellent idea!
    Peace likes this.
  5. diprod

    diprod Regular Member

    I haven't tried it but I will surely give it a shot soon. I have heard from my friends as well that they are doing good sales with Amazon especially this Christmas season. I still think I should get myself a good SEO plan to make this work though. But nevertheless, the site looks promising.
    Peace likes this.
  6. MrGibbs

    MrGibbs Regular Member

    I am very frustrated with Amazon Affiliates, but it has nothing to do with income. I love the passive income. What I do not love is my technical issues, which really make no sense to me. I am stuck in a never ending loop of being locked out of my account. I am still getting paychecks deposited to my account, but I can not log in.

    When I try to get my password it seems to work. It will let me reset it. Then I go to use the new password and it does not work. I need to call them, but I keep putting it off. I don't want to e-mail; I want a person. I had an issue with them long ago and customer service was nice to me, so I am sure they will be this time. I am just frustrated this happened. I suppose I need to figure out what number to call to get it taken care of.
  7. rodserd

    rodserd Regular Member

    Thanks for updating the relevant data, that makes the other numbers make more sense.

    I now need to find a way to utilize this program effectively.
  8. PassiveHybrid

    PassiveHybrid Regular Member

    I plan to use Amazon Affiliates eventually for one of my sites. This type of program is great for certain niches and not for all. You can't think that you can just throw Amazon on your site when your niche is no where related to what Amazon is.
  9. Alfa1

    Alfa1 Regular Member

    Their interfaces have been built a decade ago and it shows. It looks really outdated, especially if you run a modern website . The commissions are pretty low compared to other affiliate networks, but its easy to set up.
    Like @MrGibbs I got very frustrated with Amazon and had given up on them long ago. I too had my account in limbo which prevented payouts. As I am not in the states the only way they pay out is with gift credit which you can spend only at Amazon. The gift certs were sent to my old email address and amazons system did not allow me to change that. Their customer support was completely unwilling to do anything, so I gave up for years.

    Recently I contacted them and told them that my site had grown significantly over the years and I now have over 3 million unique visitors per month. I was pleasantly surprised that they instantly fixed the problem that were not able to fix before.

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