AlienSoup get "cloned"?

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by Deadeye, Jul 24, 2004.

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  1. Kru

    Kru Regular Member

    Thank you very much for this reply. The skin/style will remove by me today. As I said I am working on a new style and it should be finish this evening. I have all emails about the paypal transaction and I know that it is possible for paypal to find out where my money went. I am lawyer by myself and leaving in spain so I will start legal steps against this person by myself. Anyway I am interesting to do this together with you. I will send you all the information about this paypal transaction to your email [email protected].

    Again thank you very much for your support in this case.
  2. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Thank you very much, Kru. I appreciate that, and look forward to the information.

    I will be in touch as soon as I can.
  3. Joel

    Joel Regular Member

    if it was as easy as that it, isnt everyone steeling software from microsoft or v bulletin?

    please leave this too the proper channels there is no need too be throwing names about over an issue that will be resolved shortley

    oh and also, if kru bought the skin, how many others may of???

    maybe you should search for them as im sure more than 1 forum may of got it??
  4. Diesel

    Diesel Regular Member

    Joel> Please explain what any of that has to do with this situation?

    Alien has already said it will be handled.

    If others bought and use the skin, it's fairly obvious that the community is ready to tell us when they are using it, and Alien can utilize the same means to stop them from using it as well. Ease of acquisition has nothing to do with it. The seller is wrong AND the buyer is wrong, whether the buyer knows it or not. Just because the buyer didn't know he was purchasing stolen goods does not excuse the fact that the goods were stolen. Not a court in the world would find otherwise.
    I have no idea how you came to the conclusion that everyone's stealing software from Microsoft and vBulletin. I know that everything this site runs on is paid for and legitimate, so obviously, not everyone is stealing... only those who try to rationalize their way out of using stolen goods.

    Again, you keep throwing yourself into this situation, and it's unclear to me as to how you belong involved in it. You keep saying things like "please leave this too the proper channels" and "lease let this problem be sorted by kru, myself, and the aliensoup team"... um, who the hell are you to even be involved in this in the first place? How exactly do you fit into the picture? To put it mildly, either state your credentials to show exactly how you are supposed to be involved, or shut up. It's might arrogant of you to be sitting here, telling people not to voice their opinions, and then thrust yours into the fold when you have just as negligible a position to be injecting your opinion as they do.

    In fact, now that Alien has put his position out in the open, and Kru has stated that he will oblige (and I notice has begun taking steps to do so), your position is obviously outside the situation and no longer required on the matter.

    Kru> Let me add my thanks to you in this matter. The position you're in sucks, but you're handling it very professionally, and appropriately. It's unfortunate that you became aware of our community under such sour circumstances, but if there's any way we might be able to assist you in your pursuit of the ripper(s), please let us know. We in the community have just as much interest in seeing these people stopped as those who are stolen from.

    Just out of curiosity, what made you purcase this template? In looking at your site, it hardly seems to fit the theme you're trying to focus on. I guess I just don't see how an alien-based theme would fit into the whole Legends of Mir thing you have going on there.
  5. Joel

    Joel Regular Member

    hi diesel,

    im the other admin at the spiritual connections forum, thats why i dont like people flaming that forum :)

    i say it should be left too the people who are actually involved as they are the only ones that it effects and the only ones that it harms, as it is thier copyrights and not the ones of the members of the forum, just the creator and host.
  6. Diesel

    Diesel Regular Member

    I can certainly understand that position. Though, to be fair, Kru did invite people from Alien Soup to do specifically that.

    It's pretty hypocritical to tell someone to do something, then hold it against them when they call you on it.
  7. Joel

    Joel Regular Member

    as admins or mods we have a responsability too protect our members from obscanities (spelling?) and abusive language, some of our members are really young and we had a few people from here making some really bad posts, sorry but we had too delete them and ban the ip's as we cannot let the younger members of our forums be educated in the use of that language on our forums,

    at our forums we help people, keep up to date with eachother, and have some fun, we like too keep it that way and dont want too lose members over an issue that is sorted now and we will catch whoever is responsible for the ripping off of your forum and bring them too justice.
  8. Diesel

    Diesel Regular Member

    Then, simply put, you shouldn't solicit abusive posts.
    Seriously, Kru asked specifically for abusive posts. He got what he asked for. As admins or mods, you have a responsiblity to administer your forums fairly and consistently. When you give someone permission to do something, then punish them for doing it, that's neither consistent nor fair.
  9. Kru

    Kru Regular Member

    Well I said I stop posting here anyway because it was me who started all the trouble to your community I think I should give you a short update.

    I sent an email to paypal and informed them about this issue with a request to give me the details about the person who sold me the style. I already sent an email to [email protected] with the details of my paypal transaction, too.

    I started to change the design of my page. Actually I just change the skin the skeleton is still similiar with AlienSoup for the simply reason I need to change all the graphic folders and templates like the arcade or pet section but this is a lot of work and because of real life job I need a few days for it. I hope that is ok for you.

    Diesel: you asked why I used the AlienSoup template. That is a good question because as you already noticed my page is related to the game Legend of Mir. The only explanation that I can give you is that the AlienSoup design is awesome and because of that I bought and used it.

    jourgenson: I removed you from the banning list. I explained you why I did it anyway I want to apogolize me for that because you just wanted to defend your community and there is nothing wrong with it.

    GAME ON!!! :)
  10. silverwings

    silverwings Regular Member


    I'm confused but Diesel, I think you may have missed the word "stop" in Kru's post.
  11. jourgenson

    jourgenson Regular Member

    At this point we are certainly beatiung a dead horse, but the way it is written it does in fact say to "stop to come to my forum" and not to "stop coming to my forum," which may have been what was intended. Of course all we have in a forum like this is what's written and there is no way to know what was intended vs. what was written.
  12. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Site now officially using license from us.

    If anyone has any other reports, bring them to me privately. Thanks.
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