Alien Soup Downtime

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by Alien, Jan 26, 2003.

  1. Alien

    Alien Regular Member


    Sorry for the delay in posting this...

    We apologize for the downtime we experienced over a 24 hour period FRI-SAT. There was some problems with my host provider, and some confusion that created a real stir. I can't really go into any more details at the moment.

    In any event, we're seeking ways to elliminate this problem in the future, and give AS a much needed speed boost.

    Update: Yes, we're still working on the new website. Yes it's taking a long ass time, and yes there is a santa claus. :)

    Stay tuned...
  2. BRiT

    BRiT Regular Member

    and I'm Innocent too. :tongue:
  3. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Okay, now you're just not playing fair. ;)
  4. spidergoolash

    spidergoolash Regular Member

    they're mocking you again :froggy:
  5. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    I can say it now.

    Interserver sucks, steer clear or you'll suck too!

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