Hola, dirtmonkey! Glad to see You there :beer: Nobody can't be ready for probing ... cuz nobody knows what kind of probe will be applyed to You ... Prox are very talented and serves our community for these 4 years ...
oh man, you're really asking for it! um, welcome... it was nice knowing you, prox will be by shortly i'm sure.
you want the level 11 . . . the level 11 . . . you have to be kidding me, no one has ever asked to be punished like that before . . . in the past that has been reserved for only those who have committed crimes against the soup so horrific that they are now residing on the banned list . . . but if you say so . . . oh and welcome to our insanity
Welcome, dirtmonkey. I see you've jumped right in and began getting to know everyone.. That's what I like to see! Saves me time from hunting down and killing you later! See you on the boards...