Can't really sell adult content unless you actually own it. So be careful. You see this stuff all the time where people just package stuff from members areas and try and sell it. You would get in big trouble You would be better off looking of adult production companies that do this in bulk.
Although I don't run an adult website (sorry always wanted to but don't have the guts to take the chance) I think it is a great idea for you to affiliate with one if it's for your ManlyStuff site - if you continue to look for more affiliates let me know I run a sports site and it did have about 10k members but got hacked about a month ago and they deleted everything and so we have had to start fresh but would be happy to advertise you. I have vbAdvertiser so will be able to set it up for your adverts to appear to male visitors only if you prefer!
I suggest heading over to GFY forums, they're for adult webmasters specifically and can help you GFY Webmaster Board
lol so that's why i cant see? haha As they said above GFY is a good site that you should go for this type of thing! If you get free memberships don't share them here as it's inappropiate (but feel free to pm me) haha
I'm done starting things from scratch lol I'd much rather buy something established or almost established.