Has anyone ever used the Adsense Authentication so the Adsense crawler can log into your forum? Are there any real benefits? Thoughts?
I don't think anybody has ever got it to actually work with vBulletin: How do I allow Adsense spider to access private forums? - vBulletin Community Forum Otherwise, yes I would set up AdSense Authentication.
Thats a shame, I see you asked about it while back. Hopefully vb4 and this will be compatible but it seems its googles problem Thanks
IPB has a feature where this is possible by assinging bots a special user group. vBulletin however does not, and the google authentication is made more for .htaccess protection, than a actual login script like vBulletin uses.
Yes. And Yes, it can be beneficial. I use it to crawl the forums that are private to the unregistered browser. And it can help make sure the ads on those threads and forums are related to the thread and forums. Just like you'd want, right?
How do you get it to work? Please write an article on this sometime if you get the chance as no one is able to get this working
Hi, Dan, does the adsense authentication works with cookies or session id, or what else ? I still don't get it too. regards
I'm sure I found out how to do it on the Org. I did it some time ago and if I go into my Adsense account and click on https://www.google.com/adsense/list-auth and it appears I've entered lots of usernames and passwords, and said which forum category (I've entered the full URL) I want 'G' to have access to. Checking the ads in those forums now; they are related to the thread topic just like any other forum. I thought it's always worked to be honest, never heard of it not working myself though I'm not always in adsense forums and the likes.
Hi, thanks for replying ! I have found that I had to put the index.php name in the url for the $_POST parameters to be taken into account. thanks