Adminbb's change of ownership

Discussion in 'Admin Talk News' started by Kaiser, Aug 29, 2011.

  1. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    As you guys already know I have been very busy with my life and haven't had any time to contribute to AdminBB, selling AdminBB was something that never came to my mind because I knew I would eventually find some time in my busy schedule to come on here and contribute. But sadly I couldn't, I have been very busy with working, and getting my education.. so running a forum was in the least of my worries because I was busy with things in my life that needed to be done. Life always come first no matter what. Specially at my current age I cant risk anything as it will affect me for the rest of my life.

    Running AdminBB was one hell of a experience for me, it has been my most successful forum and I take pride in starting such a quality forum. Sure running it has had its ups and downs, but I regret none of that. There has been one person who stood beside me since day one of joining the staff and that person is @Ashley.S., sure we've had our arguments but at the end of the day we've always had a mutual respect and understanding for one another and just wanted the best for AdminBB. He is a great guy, and I love him like a brother. I would like to thank you @Ashley.S. for all that you have contributed to AdminBB :)

    Once I made up my decision to sell AdminBB, I was worried about one thing only, and that was finding the right buyer for this forum. I didn't want to hand over all my hard work and pride to someone who just wanted the forum to generate revenue from it and not really have much of a interest in the community and it's members. Never did I expect to be contacted by @Brandon Sheley who is a well known webmaster with a lot of experience behind is belt. He shares the same values as me, and I couldn't have been more happier handing over AdminBB to him. So I would like to urge everyone to get to know Brandon, and help him get situated in this great community!
    Joe., goblues, revhtree and 2 others like this.
  2. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    Your very welcome @Kaiser , I look forward to staying here as best I can and working alongside the legend that is @Brandon Sheley. I just hope that the place does not change too much over the years and get acquired by some big company like many other forums do :(
    Kaiser and Brandon Sheley like this.
  3. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Thanks for the announcement and thank you both @Kaiser and @Ashley.S. for all the hard work you guys have done.
    I don't plan to change much, the site is set up nicely right now.
    I do plan on promoting it like crazy though. :evillaugh:
    My last admin forum reached sub 18,000 on alexa with a quarter million hits a month, my goal is to pass both those numbers with AdminBB. :thumbsup:

    Thank you everyone for joining and posting on the forum this last year, here's to a successful last quarter of 2011 and to an impressive 2012 :cool:
    Tah Zonemaster, Ashley.S. and Kaiser like this.
  4. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Your'e welcome, and Im sure you can do it Brandon.. im done with foruming, but Ill be coming one here and being apart of the community as best as I can.
    Ashley.S. and Brandon Sheley like this.
  5. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    I don't blame you for being done with foruming, it is seriously just filled with too many kids and immature people. There are not many forums left that have a decent and mature member base around the net these days either :cry:
    Brandon Sheley and Kaiser like this.
  6. Mikey


    Cool, good luck Brandon! Good to see you're not going to merge this into General Forums :)
    Ashley.S., Brandon Sheley and Kaiser like this.
  7. revhtree

    revhtree Regular Member

    I am brand new here and I joined because I know Brandon and knew he just took over the site. You all will love Brandon and how he operates. he is a nice down to earth guy and really has a passion for what he does. Kaiser I have never met you, but good luck and you have put together a nice community here.
    Ashley.S., Brandon Sheley and Kaiser like this.
  8. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Thanks revhtree, and yes he is a great guy so I know AdminBB is in good hands.
    Ashley.S. and Brandon Sheley like this.
  9. lucasbytegenius

    lucasbytegenius Regular Member

    I'm glad AdminBB is going to a great new admin, but I am sad to see you go :(
    I hope you stick around on Twitter, I'd like to tweet you occasionally ;)
    Brandon Sheley and Kaiser like this.
  10. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Thanks lucas, I'll be here on AdminBB and Twitter :)
  11. Savvy

    Savvy Regular Member

    Best of luck with everything. :)
    Brandon Sheley and Kaiser like this.
  12. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Owh! I was planning to buy AdminBB eventually... looks like Brandon Sheley was ahead of me. :(

    I was going to ask for a sale in feb or march, but it didn't seem like Kaiser was in a "selling" mood.

    I already know Brandon; his expertise is far beyond what this thread inferred.

    I mean, the guy founded Alien Soup and became one of the largest forums on the internet until the tenure was overshadowed by others. His site got so much attention that his graphics design has gotten him "vBulletin board of the month" (correct me here if you wish, Brandon).

    I see a redesign on the horizon.
    Brandon Sheley likes this.
  13. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Thanks for the support everyone :cool:

    Actually Jason started Alien Soup and I bought it after it had been alive and well for 10 years. Then sold the domain to my friend Kevin who has a Sci-Fi forum :)
    I did start a vbulletin support site which got several awards :whistle: but sold it a few years ago when 4.x came out.
    not if I can help it :unsure:
  14. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Oh man, I forgot Jason was the guy that founded it. Thanks for the correction.

    Nice cash in at the end. You sold the support site right at the time vb4 came out. Nice timing on that one.
    Brandon Sheley likes this.
  15. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Thanks... I'm not going to lie.. I miss everyone from vbsetup but I'm hoping this site will take care of that for me.
    I'm still in contact with a lot of friends from those days, some have moved on and aren't hosting websites anymore but I'm hoping to get a majority of the old timers over here in the near future.
    Kaiser likes this.
  16. master412160

    master412160 Regular Member

    Best of luck to the new owner.
    Brandon Sheley likes this.
  17. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    Sweet new site Brandon! :)
    Brandon Sheley likes this.
  18. Tah Zonemaster

    Tah Zonemaster Regular Member

    Welcome and good luck. :) You look like a nice guy to me :)
    Brandon Sheley likes this.
  19. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    Welcome to the forum, Brandon. Wish you the best of luck! Good luck with whatever you decide to do, Kaiser.
    Kaiser and Brandon Sheley like this.
  20. TheVisitors

    TheVisitors Regular Member

    Congratulations on your purchase and best of luck to both of you on your future goals.

    (Wish I knew the place was for sale. LOL )
    Kaiser, ShadyX and Brandon Sheley like this.

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