AdminBB banner competition

Discussion in 'Skinning, Design and Graphics' started by inBlogger, Dec 29, 2010.

  1. inBlogger

    inBlogger Regular Member

    Just for fun, i don't know if Kaiser agrees with this(we will find out if he locks/deletes this thread :P) but i thought of an idea.
    What about making a banner of adminbb for fun? Every member can give it a try(no need to be pro) and maybe use it as a good practice experience.
    Banner can be of any known web advertisement size(e.g. 468*60px, 250*250px, 768*90px etc).
    You can use any software you like! GiMP, Photoshop, MS paint(WTF?!), anything!

    02/01/2011 the contest ends!
    Kaiser likes this.
  2. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Ahh nice! I would love too see some nice banners.
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