Please note that the forum will be converted to IP.Board 3.1 series tomorrow! Name of site (and/or forum)?: Horror Topics Link to forum?: Genre?: Horror Movies and Halloween Topics Forum Software?: IP.Board 3.1 Series come tomorrow Total number of posts the forum has received?: Very Little Seeking?: Administrator Paid Position?: No If Paid, How Much?: N/A Why are you requesting staff?: I need someone into the topic to help me run the community as my co-admin (aka co-owner), who will help post more topics and replies and help me get more members. Name of site (and/or forum)?: Horror Topics Link to forum?: Genre?: Horror Movies and Halloween Topics Forum Software?: IP.Board 3.1 Series come tomorrow Total number of posts the forum has received?: Very Little Seeking?: Super Moderator Paid Position?: No If Paid, How Much?: N/A Why are you requesting staff?: I need someone who will help me with abuse/spam response, support, creating new topics and posts and getting more members. I prefer you be interested in the Horror topic. This position can lead you to Administrator one day!
should be simple if you know what your doing hit me up on yahoo messenger my screen name is sql.injections i know the know sounds really bad but its just a name and it was not taken but i run like 5 websites all about security cause just one forum wouldn't cover all the Base information that i find )