Do you very often get emails to your admin email address from people using the contact form on your forums? We do now and then but quite frequently it is a troll that has been banned threatening to hack the forum or someone asking for their account to be deleted.
Yes, and most of them are "can you change my users name?" Or they want to complain about an infraction,,, stuff like that. Some of them I ignore, some I reply to.
Not particularly frequently. If I do, it's usually someone who's complaining about having been banned, lost their username or password or is submitting some affiliation request that I may or may not get round to answering.
I got a few from advertising networks. But i dont use their ads, they slow down the forum. Google AdSense FTW! But i got a few threatening to bring me to court just for a one day ban.
I get a few a week pretty much all from members. Lost password, change username and a usually a spammer. I do try to answer all within a few hours if possible, except the spammers of course.
We get about 2-3 a day on average and I try to always respond that day (unless I'm off on vacation, then they may have to wait a couple of days). I think everyone deserves an answer (except the spammers, that is).
I have had a total of four, two from members requesting to have their accounts closed, and two from spammers that made no sense at all lol.
I get a couple of EMails via the Contact Form every week. Usually they are either (potential) advertisers for the Forum, or members complaining about other registered users. Very rarely do I get any spam via the contact form.
ive been getting a few, i got replies to the mass emails sent out, and a few jokes and stuff forwarded to my admin email adress from members who think i personally emailed them instead of just sent one to everyone. also i had one from a banned member asking me to add her on msn, which i didnt. also there was someone trying to flirt with me
I get about 5-6 a week, requests vary from forgot username/password, to the i'm not sure if I'm registered ones :lol: