I will be importing Admin Addict into Admin Talk sometime before the end of this week. I had plans to do it sooner, but, there is more work that has to be done to prepare for the import than I first thought. I also have to have a clear plan of the finished forum. The structure on both sites are similar in some cases and much different in others. I have to setup how I will integrate everything together. I have to sketch out the new forum structure in a way that will still be familiar to the users from both sites without making drastic changes to the current structure. I'll keep this thread updated with the process.
The import is done. I am still doing some cleanup and re-building the search index, but, everything looks good so far.
FYI: The vBulletin Roll Call sticky thread in the vBulletin forum is empty (just the first post) - First I thought it was a new topic but then I see it is pretty old so I assume posts are missing- not sure if that was intentional or not or sign of a bigger issue.
Thanks @Brandon. It was an easy import. Got some work left to do though. There are a lot of orphaned threads and forums in the database. The forum IDs have a lot of gaps as well. I should have started with a clean database and imported both sites. This makes the database larger than it should be. I am working on cleaning all that up now.