Adding TapTalk alright, well tab talk should be installed I'm going edit the first post as well, give a bit more info
Adding TapTalk Just got my iPod touch and installed tap a touch.. Am writing this on there now. Pretty cool I'm going to add it to my board. Testing image upload from iPod touch hmm
Adding TapTalk are you sure on the image upload, it "should" work the same as it did for me I think it's pretty cool, only have to add 1 line of code to your styles to get it working, the rest is on the taptalk website
Adding TapTalk I use TapTalk for one of my forums, because people specifically asked for something like this. Nice enough toy, but haven't used it much.
Adding TapTalk Tap A Talk pushed an update from the app store the other day too. I didn't notice much different the app still works great except for a few forgivable (because it's a young app) issues.
Adding TapTalk so we're good to go now? BB users can use taptalk on the forums? I downloaded the update, didn't notice much either.
So I updated our forum to the latest version of tapatalk, and it crashes for me all the time. :vampire:
oh bummer, I sent an email off to the dev, hopefully it'll get fixed soon. I used it all the time and saw at least 3 others tried it.
2940 SW Tutbury Town Rd, Topeka, KS 66614, USA Tapatalk released a new update in the app store, it's very nice now. You can see avatars & reply count now. I'm sure there are more updates.