Oh yes, tasty, creamy, ice cream. Just feel the cold, sweet taste of it. Some pecans sprinkled over the ice cream, with hardened chocolate and a cherry on top. <--Chris.
What flavor did you end up having Chris? I really want to try Ben & Jerry's Brownie Batter, but haven't seen it in the store...
I'm now a member of the dark side. :devil: A bit off topic (hell, this thread is all over the place to begin with), but are you able to access your community now, FMB?
It's going to take a while to propagate. If it's not up and running by later this evening, I'll contact my server technician.
My pleasure. And did you ever figure out how to redirect both of those domains to the primary (pisogaupdate.com)?
It's only a matter of time! I'm browsing around to make sure that everything is perfect, and let me tell you... you're going to see the difference in performance immediately. Then again, I'm a server geek. I may register there, just to have an account and check in on things from time to time.