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Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by Dan Hutter, Sep 6, 2010.

  1. Diafel

    Diafel Regular Member

    Seriously, Is Thunder losing it? When I first came on this site, I actually thought he had some meaningful things to say. And he didn't call people all kinds of names and throw school age taunts and insults at people. Maybe I was wrong, I don't know, but it sure seems of late that he is not exactly, how do I put it?... "with it" anymore. Seems like anything meaningful he might have had to say gets lost in all his deranged rantings.
  2. c. staley

    c. staley Regular Member

    Well, first you'd have to have a brain - then kill it - in order to be brain dead. He skipped the first part.
  3. Thunder Hag

    Thunder Hag Regular Member


    Well I have found very little he said short of amusing.
    However yeah, he did seem to be a little less certifiable.
  4. c. staley

    c. staley Regular Member

    He's been "treading water in his sea of lies" so long he can't keep his head above water. He's lost track of where he was. Now he's simply taking wild shots at anything that appears to move (or post). It really seems like an act of desperation to regain even a shred of credibility. But he repeatedly keeps tossing any credibility in the dumper at every turn.

    Sad, ain't it?

    BTW, Diafel;
    If you ever get out this way, let us know... Julie and I would love to have you over and out for a nice evening... Who knows? It could be the "Ant-Cheerleading Camp!" Joe's not that far away from here, maybe Proformance and all the other nay-sayers. We could have a karaoke party too!
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    LOL this is better than a clown show!:laughpill:
  6. Thunder Hag

    Thunder Hag Regular Member

    I almost wonder if he is going after this guy as a means to increase revenue for himself. The website seemed credible. It is a possibility that the guy is a fraud. However it is just as likely that Santa is as well. We don't know, but to publicly bash someone who is not on here to defend themselves is a total Witch move.
  7. c. staley

    c. staley Regular Member

    Still haven't figured out exactly who the clown is have you?

  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    So far I have counted three, just wondering how many more will pop out of the little bitty car with no motor in it!
  9. Thunder Hag

    Thunder Hag Regular Member

    That wasn't 3, it was you, just appeared to be three people.
  10. Thunder Hag

    Thunder Hag Regular Member

    Based on the Craigslist link he posted earlier, and with what somebody else mentioned about a person bad mouthing Soundchoice on there, I thought I would look, I typed in Karaoke into search and didn't find the bad mouthing Soundchoice thing. But I did find this http://charlottesville.craigslist.org/evs/1947887217.html

    No wonder he got so paranoid...this would piss me off to no end. This is some kind of personal vendetta between the 2 of these people at this point it would appear.

    I am not sure if it was posted by the Nigel person he keeps mentioning, but one would have to assume he would think so.

    I will say this. I don't like you Thunder, I think your accusations of me and other are unfounded. However I have had a person bad mouth me on Craigslist before for no reason other than I was competition. So I understand the anger.
    But not everyone who disagrees with your statements is out to hurt you or be that Nigel guy.
    BTW, I don't know if it helped but I flagged the post for you. If enough of us flag it, it will get taken down. So if you are friends with Thunder I suggest to flag it.

    And since I am on ignore, someone wanna copy this or quote this so he can see it?
  11. jokerswild

    jokerswild Regular Member

    Damn just when I was getting my popcorn popped Dan had to go an ban someone... LOL
  12. Thunder Hag

    Thunder Hag Regular Member

    Not to fret, I rejoined under my real name like I was asked, so I am back.
  13. JoeChartreuse

    JoeChartreuse Regular Member

    I've brought this up to him recently. Though our debates get heated, I have never had a personal problem with Steve. Heck, we agree on most stuff outside of SC.

    I have asked him via PM if there were any other difficulties or things going on outside the forum that may be bugging him, simply because many recent posts seemed to be either non sequitor, or without comprehension of previous posts.

    This is the first time I've said this, but I'm actually kinda worried. The last couple of months Steve doesn't seem like the same guy with whom I have shared so much enjoyment debating with..( yup, we both actually LIKE it somewhat. We PM about other stuff with no adversity whatsoever..)

    I say this as a forum brother, not as a debating adversary... I just don't know, and he's not telling...
  14. JoeChartreuse

    JoeChartreuse Regular Member

    Steve's already honestly said straight out that it's all about increasing his revenue and territory.

    Like SC, I don't like the method, but understand the business.
  15. Loneavenger

    Loneavenger Regular Member

    It's obvious to me that Thunder has a lot going on right now. Just that post on Craigs list alone shows what he's dealing with locally. There is someone working very hard to discredit him and i've seen the hatred in the posts that show up on craigs list locally, i have them removed every chance i get. He posts these things against Thunder here as well as Charlottesville. I can imagine having to deal with something like that especially in the industry we are in. The best thing we can do is let Thunder know we support him here and then we can go back to some healthy debating. I'll actually commend " Thunder hag " for bringing them to our attention and trying to help with flagging the posts. Things of that nature should not be allowed on Craigslist and i personally am offended someone would even go to those lengths to discredit someone. Thunder is going to work on how he treats and speaks to others here and i for one will support him in that.
  16. c. staley

    c. staley Regular Member

    SERIOUSLY? I have that same problem... except it isn't "local."
  17. Loneavenger

    Loneavenger Regular Member

    And, we're giving him a chance to stop Staley, if action needs to be taken in the future it will
  18. Diafel

    Diafel Regular Member

    Thanks for that insight, Joe. I'm glad I'm not alone in noticing the difference. As for going through some difficulties, as someone mentioned in another thread, I am sorry this is happening to him, and it must be quite stressful. As for the Craigslist crap, I would be very upset as well if someone was defaming my real name and business all over town. Let's face it, as Chip pointed out, it's not much "fun" to have the same thing happen on these boards, however, these boards do offer a certain amount of anonymity, if we choose it, but in "real life" there is no such thing. It's definitely not a fun thing. Hope things get straightened around for Thunder. No matter what differences we may have, I'll be the first to say that no one deserves to be treated like that!
  19. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Just for everyone's info,

    XXXXX has been at this for about 5 years now, way before I even knew he was a pirate, coming into my gigs and trying to undercut me handing his cards out to the bartenders, managers and servers, and it has worked a couple of times but most of the venue managers have told him to take a hike. He has also come to my shows and talked directly to patrons trying to get them to leave and come to his show on the same nights.

    He has taken out Craigslist ads putting my name in them, put my name in Ebay adds, as well as on his own website and on local blogs.

    The owner of the Lazy Pilot (Kevinal) and I have had a working relationship for several years, when he remodeled his restaurant he stopped karaoke for 3 months my show had been there for 2 years, when he opened back up he wanted to switch to a night that I did not have available (I only had one KJ system at the time and even if I had a second system up and running I won't book two venues in the same town on the same night)!

    Kevinal has called me repeatedly over the last year asking me to come and take over that show but I am still unable to do so.

    For those that think this all started between myself and XXXXX recently you are wrong this all started the day he offered to sell or trade me songs from his library, that has been over two years.

    He has been on these forums under different names multiple times always with an attack on me with his first post under each name. If I assume someone with exactly the same posting style is XXXXX then that is my assumption.

    I am not "bent" or "off my rocker" I guess I am just tired of this discussion it was going on back at JOLT 7 or 8 years ago, and I had a little different opinion back then. I felt that if you were copying without permission to a hard drive for computer use PERIOD you were a pirate, to be honest even though I have since done so myself I still feel that way and being cautious in saying this it appears that three of the CDG manufacturers are of the same opinion.

    My personal feelings (and I realize that some here disagree with me and thats OK) are that the manus have every right to ask anyone using a computer system to submit to an audit or face a civil action.

    However, I apologize to any that take what I feel are signs of piracy as a direct accusation or insinuation that they are running on pirated material. Regardless of the "facts" or "lack of them" in the matter I can't change what I have seen locally.

    Just as I can't change how I feel on the subject, neither can I change how each one of you feels about it.

    While I have not on OKJT called anyone other than XXXXX directly a pirate, I have indirectly through what some take as insinuations allowed Chip and Julie to think I was indicating they they were running pirated material and I now directly apologize to the both of them!

    To Joe C, I also extend an apology for stating that he either directly or indirectly was lending support to piracy by his stance on the SC lawsuits!

    To Kurt, I extend an apology for any information I may have devulged either directly or indirectly that was inapporiate at the time, and for stirring up more controversy over this situation.

    To Dan, Lone and Joker, I extend an apology for making their jobs harder than they already are.

    For everyone else, I apologize for stirring the pot and keeping this issue in the forefront, this issue will slowly take care of itself with or without my input over time.

    This is not a change in my position at all, but I will tone down the rhetoric.
  20. Thunder Hag

    Thunder Hag Regular Member

    Who are you referring to?

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