About Alien Soup

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by rosebud, Sep 15, 2005.

  1. Schizander

    Schizander Regular Member

    Yes, Ripped, this is Dr. Skiz. BTW, thanks for calling me "baby" back there when you were having your first big brain probe job. You were magnificent. I have it all on videotape...maybe we can watch it together sometimes....in the interest of alien science of course.

    Yes, all those repressed pseudo-abduction and probe memories came surging to the surface in what can only be described as a tidal wave of raw unchecked emotion. And yes, I'm afraid it was much much worse than I expected...you have indeed been subjected to some unspeakable things at the hands of these deviant humans who were and no doubt still are pretending to be aliens.

    In fact it was so horrible I cannot repeat it here for fear of being banned forever, but if it meets with your approval, I will go ahead and set up another therapy session and guide you through what needs to be done to replace these bad memories with some which are far more pleasant. In fact, I took the liberty of doing just that while you were lying there on the cold hard metallic probing table...I hope you enjoy what I put into your...brain. Let's see (looks down at watch) you should be remembering the rather lengthy substitution right about.... NOW!
  2. Schizander

    Schizander Regular Member

    Rosebud, please do not reveal any MORE of our highly classified undercover activities to this Riteaim malingerer. Who knows what his real purpose is or what nefarious shadowy group of malicious malcontents he represents. Better safe than sorry.

    Might I also suggest that when you are responding to one of his posts that you not look directly at your monitor screen. Instead, turn it towards the opposite wall and place a mirror in front of it and type everything backwards starting at the end and going from right to left. This will insure that you do not position yourself in such a manner as to be exposed to some type of remote thought insertion device being channelled into your brain via your PC which might be under his control. Don't bother with Norton or SpyBot or any of those other cleansing devices....His kind cannot be deleted.

    Since he arrived here at alien soup I have noticed that you are experiencing a slight change in your devotion to me and the alien cause. For some reason you just aren't as obedient, dedicated, loyal, and submissive as you usually are. I hate to bring this up at a time like this, but after all, you did sign one of my five year alien abduction lease contracts, and it specifically states that you must submit and obey me until such time as you are released by me from your obligations.

    I think it's only fair to say that I have no intention of releasing you just yet because (a) You have not yet reached the all important step 9 and (b) Your alien abduction wardrobe and probing equipment loan has not been paid off yet and (c) I have grown quite fond of you and have no desire to share you with these two amateurs.
  3. rosebud

    rosebud Regular Member

    *Rosebud, please do not reveal any MORE of our highly classified undercover activities to this Riteaim malingerer. Who knows what his real purpose is or what nefarious shadowy group of malicious malcontents he represents. Better safe than sorry.*

    I will do my best not to give out any of our little secrets to newcommers. Although these Earthlings do need to know the truth about aliens. That there are some like yourself who are good and kind and mean us no harm. We have to inform them on what the goverment has been doing in spreading lies about things that you do. For example the webcam. They say that all aliens have the ability to tap into your webcam and spy on lonely gold card, mall walking, soccer moms. Aliens have more important things on there agenda then to take the technology they have and spy on Earth woman. That is one example of this goverments plot to inforce hatred towards you. To make you the devious, manipulitive beings who try to suduce all woman who come flocking to an alien site in hopes of talking to a real live alien, just to be swept away and to be probed by your pickle.

    *Since he arrived here at alien soup I have noticed that you are experiencing a slight change in your devotion to me and the alien cause. For some reason you just aren't as obedient, dedicated, loyal, and submissive as you usually are. I hate to bring this up at a time like this, but after all, you did sign one of my five year alien abduction lease contracts, and it specifically states that you must submit and obey me until such time as you are released by me from your obligations.*

    I am indeed very happy to know that you have come back to Earth Schizander. The two men Riteaim and Sentinel are trying to take me away from my alien dutys. Although I will not stray, I find it very hard not to listen to what they have to say. I have been tossed and turned to many times and will always devote my services to helping aliens. These two men who are trying to have me side with them on the dangers of being friends with an alien is mind boggling, and If I do so stray from my objective then I am sorry.

    Oh my, when did I sign that five year contract? I don't remember this Schizander. You see I really hate that word obey. And what kind of obligations are you talking about? I thought I was doing what I was suppose to do. Tell all Earthlings that aliens should be free, to live a free life just like all Earthlings are free.
  4. rosebud

    rosebud Regular Member

    Had to go back and look up #9 on the (possible signs of Alien abduction0

    *(9) You believe aluminum foil hats or other such devices offer some degree of protection from alien thought waves.*

    I do not wear a silver or aluminum hat. I threw that hat away long time ago.

    *I think it's only fair to say that I have no intention of releasing you just yet because (a) You have not yet reached the all important step 9 and (b) Your alien abduction wardrobe and probing equipment loan has not been paid off yet and (c) I have grown quite fond of you and have no desire to share you with these two amateurs.*

    When did I ask you to pay off a loan for me on this wardrobe? See how easily confused I can get. I don't remember signing a contract or purchasing abduction wardrobe. What else have I signed away?

    I think I will go visit Ripley today, see how she is doing. Lord knows I need to talk to her.
  5. Ripley

    Ripley Regular Member

    Thanks for the chicken soup and Long Island ice teas your brought over Rosey Dear. After seeing Shizy yesterday, I feel like I have a hangover. So these "teas" should bring me back around. :oddgrin:

    I do feel a sense of peace after my probing. It was such a satisfaction, a release if you will to get it out in the open. I don't know if it was the stark cold exam table, or the peircing pupils of schizy's, but I was in his total control. The probing was like NO other I've ever had. It wasn't just a probing, it was a life altering experience. He certainly knows what he's doing. :nod:

    So how doe you feel about these other two men Rosey? Senitnel I haven't had the pleasure of speaking with. Riteaim scares me a little with his "orders". Does he think we are robots under his control?
  6. Ripley

    Ripley Regular Member

    Oh Schizy, PLEASE DO set me up with another probing, I mean appointment! It was the best therapy I've ever had! I never knew therapy could be this good!

    What do you want me to wear this time, master....I mean Dr. ?

    I'll bring the theraputic music you requested as well....Barry White I believe?

    I must run to W*lmart and pick up a few staples...I was told by a reliable source, that there unmentionables are on sale! What is your favorite color again???
  7. rosebud

    rosebud Regular Member

    I'm so glad you are feeling better today Ripley. I am glad you're back home. So the experience was wonderful you say. You are no longer confused? I on the other hand can get very confused so easily. Here we have riteaim and sentinal who are trying their best to lead me to there side...to forget about aliens and to concentrate only on them.

    I like aliens that is why I am here on this site. I will listen to what they have to say, but if it gets to much for me to handle, I think I will to speak to the good Dr. really soon.
  8. Ripley

    Ripley Regular Member

    Oh Rosey, what a freeing experience it was. I can't say that I'm still not confused....It has just been replaced with a feeling of well being. Frankly that part of me that is confused...just doesn't care. Almost a dream like status. A utopia if you will, of my soul. I know there is a confusion, but I just can't get to that part of my mind. Its like there has been a wall put up in my thoughts, not allowing me to access those confusing thoughts.
  9. rosebud

    rosebud Regular Member

    So you feel no anxiety what so ever? Free of mind, body and soul? Even though these two men have told us not to listen to Schizander you don't feel confused at all?

    Why do they do this to us Ripley? I just wish more aliens would come forward and speak up. In Sentinel's post he called himself commander over Schizander. I wonder if he is part of an alien society that we know nothing about. I wonder if Schizander is hinding something about this Sentinel person. Only time will tell.
  10. Schizander

    Schizander Regular Member

    There, you see, that wasn't so bad was it, Ripley? Yes, it certainly helps to get all those nasty repressed memories out into the open doesn't it? I'm glad you finally see how easy and uncomplicated life becomes when you submit and obey someone totally.

    There's really no comparison to anything remotely resembling a positive alien probe experience in the human male repertoire is there? Of course not. Now you know why they are so obsessed with wiping out aliens. Just remember, it was aliens who invented probing and pickle flavored donuts.

    Not to worry, Rippy, I've already made arrangements for you to have an unlimited number of follow up complimentary probe sessions, and as a reward for being so submissive, obedient, and cooperative, I'm extending your maxed out credit card payments another 5 years at the current interest rate of 21%, and I'm also pleased as punch to be able to offer you a salaried position with my fledgling abduction company. Isn't that special?

    Yes, from now on you will be my # 1 probe assistant in charge of slime production and distribution. But don't thank me, after all, you deserve it and more, and when it comes to probing, you can count on there being more..many many more....thousands...perhaps even millions. You see probing is veeeeeery addictive. It's not unusual for a probe addict to get probed oh 30 or 40 times a day. See what you have to look foward to? Woops! (looks down at watch again) Yep, it's that time again. Want me to call out for Chinese or would you prefer a nice hot slime cheese pizza delivery? So many memories, so little time.
  11. sentinel1

    sentinel1 Regular Member

    I asure you Dr. I have no Interest in any of this world Goverments antiquated technology. I have no involvment in your FBI's Trilogy system modernization program and any name simularity is nothing more than a coincidence.

    Oh I am sure if you think back real hard you will remember your service aboard my ship. Surely you have not forgoton the the many good times we shared before you left my command. Your subsequent indictment by the State of Wisconson Ilegal Alien Division for the Wally World ariel insemination incident.

    You can not possibly have forgoten the 1500 enceinte mall walking, suv driving,gold card carrying soccer moms. The angry mobs that stalked you until I gave you shelter and trasportation off world.

    I see you do recall the Amazon crew members that served as security. Perhaps you recall the heady scent of the coquette Ovis aries I had specialy imported for your prurient life style.

    Yes it is moi.
  12. sentinel1

    sentinel1 Regular Member

    No rosehoney my name did not start with Z. I am not a deformed Allien Captain of a garbage ship. I am the keeper of Records, the one who watchs amd waits.
    Schizander knows me well I asure you.

    You also know me..................Intimately!
  13. Schizander

    Schizander Regular Member

    At the risk of contaminating this up to now virgin website with the foul atrocious corruptible remnants of what transpired back there* in neo-la la land, I somewhat hesitantly acknowledge (just this one time and then very briefly) that I do vaguely recall having glimpsed your so-called mothership, but as for being under your command, that is not possible, as aliens are not allowed to serve under any other species, especially one which consumes excessive amounts of cheap Canadian beer and engages in various kinds of uncivilized debauchery with the hired help under the bleachers at a hockey game in Grand Forks in broad daylight no less.

    As for that little insignificant accidental insemination incident at the Wisconsin Walmart Superstore....due to an out of court settlement, I am no longer allowed to discuss this incident at the behest of my attorney, the indomitable Leroy D. Parnell Jr. Esq., who as I understand it is still practicing law out of his mother's house in Springdale, Arkansas...right next door to the big chicken guts processing factory which is just across the road from the Chitterling plant. At any rate, I won, so let's drop the subject and move on shall we?

    The two abductees which you seem to have set your pasty white thighs on have already signed one of my contractual agreements, ergo it would be immoral and illegal for you to intimidate or erotically solicitate their nubilitous services or even ask one of them for the time of day. So, my erstwhile conniving collaborator, unless you want to experience the wrath of Leroy D. Parnell Jr. IN COURT, I suggest you heed my warning and cease and desist from any further inelegant advances upon their persons which might be construed by me and the aforementioned Leroy as ungentlemanly and injurious and deserving of a nice fat settlement.
  14. sentinel1

    sentinel1 Regular Member

    Riply please allow me to introduce myself. I am an entity of wealth and taste................ I so love your human Rock & Roll. The reason I am contacting you is that you have been pickled. While you may feel content
    and even fufilled a pickling is a very dangerous to the human female. You must understand that the physiological issues that can arise from a slimy green pickling. The alien microbes alone can cause irrevocable damage to
    your internal organs.

    You must allow me to perform a depickling on you asap. I promise it will be painless in fact many women find it highly pleasurable. I have performed it many times on rosebud. mett me tommorow at 9am in your public library.
  15. sentinel1

    sentinel1 Regular Member

    "At the risk of contaminating this up to now virgin website with the foul atrocious corruptible remnants of what transpired back there* in neo-la la land, I somewhat hesitantly acknowledge (just this one time and then very briefly) that I do vaguely recall having glimpsed your so-called mothership, but as for being under your command, that is not possible, as aliens are not allowed to serve under any other species, especially one which consumes excessive amounts of cheap Canadian beer and engages in various kinds of uncivilized debauchery with the hired help under the bleachers at a hockey game in Grand Forks in broad daylight no less".

    Must all Pickle wielding Green Aliens partake in partisan kvetching? As for Canadian beer and Hockey I fear you have me confused with one of the more chawbacon members of the crew.

    "As for that little insignificant accidental insemination incident at the Wisconsin Walmart Superstore....due to an out of court settlement, I am no longer allowed to discuss this incident at the behest of my attorney, the indomitable Leroy D. Parnell Jr. Esq., who as I understand it is still practicing law out of his mother's house in Springdale, Arkansas...right next door to the big chicken guts processing factory which is just across the road from the Chitterling plant. At any rate, I won, so let's drop the subject and move on shall we?"

    The out of court settlement consisted of you keeping your pickle intact. You know as well as I that Parnell is an Idiot. However i will drop it.

    "The two abductees which you seem to have set your pasty white thighs on have already signed one of my contractual agreements, ergo it would be immoral and illegal for you to intimidate or erotically solicitate their nubilitous services or even ask one of them for the time of day. So, my erstwhile conniving collaborator, unless you want to experience the wrath of Leroy D. Parnell Jr. IN COURT, I suggest you heed my warning and cease and desist from any further inelegant advances upon their persons which might be construed by me and the aforementioned Leroy as ungentlemanly and injurious and deserving of a nice fat settlement."

    The earth women are mine and you know it. Your slimy green pickle can in no way compete with my Norse God like looks and Powers of pleasuring mall walking, SUV driving, gold card carrying soccer moms. Your Pickle is outclassed I fear. Rosebud has already tasted the *Pleasure of the Gods*
    and soon I will depickle Riply and she will see the light also.

    I can not help but to hold a soft spot for you. I will always have a place for you on my crew Dr. As for your cohort Riteaim keep him away from my women!
  16. Ripley

    Ripley Regular Member

    So you want to perform a depickling on me? I'm afraid that's not going to be possible. Dr. Schizy has my schedual packed. Between probing and being his #1 assistant, I don't have time for your "experiments". I don't recall RoseyDear ever mentioning to me you having your way with her. I wouldn't think she would leave out such desirable details.
  17. Ripley

    Ripley Regular Member

    Oh Schizy, the spell you have me under is irrisitable! I hear your voice in my ears when the wind blows. I see your face in the sun and moon. I feel your gentle touch when the rain falls. Your all around me. I can't get you out of my head. Is that part of the treatments?

    How true that there isn't anything that represents your probing in the human world. If there are any objections to that rule, I would love to test their theories!

    Thank you sir, for the job offer. I would love to fill ANY "position" you would like to have me fill. I dooooo feel special. I feel like I need to repay you for all of your kindness. How about a special outfit for our next encounter? Say, a gree nighty with pink trim? You do like silky satin right?
  18. riteaim

    riteaim Regular Member

    "I am indeed very happy to know that you have come back to Earth Schizander. The two men Riteaim and Sentinel are trying to take me away from my alien dutys. Although I will not stray, I find it very hard not to listen to what they have to say. I have been tossed and turned to many times and will always devote my services to helping aliens. These two men who are trying to have me side with them on the dangers of being friends with an alien is mind boggling, and If I do so stray from my objective then I am sorry.

    Oh my, when did I sign that five year contract? I don't remember this Schizander. You see I really hate that word obey. And what kind of obligations are you talking about? I thought I was doing what I was suppose to do. Tell all Earthlings that aliens should be free, to live a free life just like all Earthlings are free."

    You see how Aliens lie Rosebud. Telling you that you signed a 5 year contract. Thats buncombe and them Alien Dr. should be ashamed of itselve.
    Rosebud you and riply need to come with me. I can unprobe you both.

    Ok baby? :cheek:

    Riply you must stop interacting with this alien molester, I will take the place of it. I will be there for you.

    Please pass the word that Riteaim is here for all Suv driving,gold card carrying soccer mommys..
  19. Ripley

    Ripley Regular Member

    I'm afraid I can't comply with that Riteaim. Schizy would never allow it. His spell has taken over, even though there is still a part of me that is confused, scared, and eager to be heard. But I'm sure that will pass with a few more sessions with Dr. Schizy. Maybe you should just give up this silly fight for my soul?
  20. sentinel1

    sentinel1 Regular Member

    Ripley you are under the spell Of the good Doctor. Just 1 month ago you were a Genetic Scientist working on Converting Genotypes into Phenotypes. {It was your work at Colgate University by Simulating Gametogenesis, Fertilization and Embryogenesis to achieve said goals that put you on the fast track to the nobel prize. } Do not you find it strange that now you are an assistant to a here to unknown Doctor?

    All you need do is talk to rosebuns, She will tell you of the *Pleasures of the Gods* and it the therapeutic benifits that follow. Ripley let me remove the clouds that block your vision of the real World.

    I have an apointment set for 10/15/05,,,,,,,,,,wear loose fitting cloting and *Charle* perfume.

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