About Alien Soup

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by rosebud, Sep 15, 2005.

  1. Schizander

    Schizander Regular Member

    Ms Ripley, I detect a smidgen of animosity in your post, and I think I know the source of this unauthorized uncharacteristic anger...you've been pickleless for several days now during the transition from your last location to this one, and this has upset your delicate human-female-to-alien transformation process. As for your former alien caretaker, Dr. Moora, I have been handed explicit instructions as to how to handle your case by none other than the good doctor himself.

    He saw fit to trust me completely with your care and I fail to see why you cannot do the same. Unfortunately, Dr. Moora has been summoned back to his home planet concerning a serious (and I use the word *serious* with not a little hesitation) matter of the unauthorized insemination of several thousand human females....and for violating section 7, 8, and 9 of the Alien Code of Uniform Recombinant DNA Dispersal.

    So as you can plainly see, your former caretaker is in deep alien poopoo up to his scaley slime-coated pointy chinny chin chin. My suggestion to you is to stop resisting and start submitting and obeying me without question. How else am I to recover your lost abduction/probe memories and get you back on track again?
  2. Ripley

    Ripley Regular Member

    How did you know about the Pickle? Or that I've been pickleless???? :dizzy: Do you know how I can get one! :pray: I have a sack of batteries, and I think they go with the Pickles???

    I think you know more then you are letting on Schizy. Maybe you are from the government, and you want to wipe out what memories I do have left. There are times when I wish that it never happened, and that I could wipe out all those horrifiying images. But there is a part of me that needs to know what truely happened....100% of it.

    I don't feel I can trust you yet Schizy. You seem to come off like a car salesman for some reason. You know whats best for me, and we just met??? That doesn't seem right.
  3. rosebud

    rosebud Regular Member

    It seems that Schizander knows more than he is telling us here. With what I have read so far I have come to the conclusion that Schizander is in fact a real alien. There is no shame being an alien here. After all we're here in Alien Soup. A place where aliens and people who like aliens can come and speak their mind. No more running away from sites that are controlled by the goverment, or controlled by people who only serve the goverment.

    Sit back and relax Schizander for you are home.

    This is the first time I ever heard of mental probing. Well just to let you know, I will not be probed. I will stand up for alien rights and protect you, But as for you to mentally or physically probe me that will be out of the question.
  4. Schizander

    Schizander Regular Member

    Yes, Rip, there isn't much that I don't know. Just ask Lobo. Even he has admitted that I am the one and only Mr. I-Know-Everything of Soupville. It stands to reason then, doesn't it, that I would also know all there is to know about pickles? Of course it does. And ask yourself...if I know everything, would I be dumb enough to be working for the government, which for the most part doesn't know much of anything? I think you see my point here.

    As for your little dead battery problem, isn't it about time you learned about the Energizer Bunny on your own? Remember back when you had to learn about the birds and the bees? It's the same kind of thing here. Using cheap batteries means your pickle gizmo stops working or slows to a crawl. Dr. Moora told me all about your penchant for buying vastly inferior cheap imitation W*lmart brand batteries. He said this would happen again and again. I have no intention of becoming your new pickle enabler. I suggest you grow up and learn to recycle and recharge on your own.

    As for what happens to those awful repressed alien abduction and probe memories, that's up to you, but first you have to learn to be submissive and obedient and then and only then will I be able to help you delete all those horrible images which are careening around inside your head. Of course I want what's best for you. How could it be any other way? And I'm not going to respond to the used car salesman analogy. This is the thanks I get for putting your safety and mental health ahead of my own selfish desires and manipulative schemes.
  5. riteaim

    riteaim Regular Member

    You poor naive human. Rosebud you can not believe this Alien propaganda that has been inbedded in your subconscious. Schizander is indeed an Alien and a very dangerous one my dear lady. He is a green devil in disguise, playing the role
    of the human loving chargé d'affaires this Alien incubus seeks to fecundate our females with his unearthly pickle.

    I can not stress the danger both you and Ripley find yourself in. Do not let him probe you in any manner no matter how innocent it may seem. You do not want to find yourself heavy with a half breed larva of this green interloper.

  6. Schizander

    Schizander Regular Member

    That was a very uncivil and largely inaccurate thing to say about me, riteaim. Although I may occasionally sound like an alien and even look like an alien to some people, that does not necessarily mean I am one. It might simply mean that I have a certain amount of genuine empathy for these poor misunderstood pickle deprived (and attractive) female earth creatures, and am only seeking to promote a more compassionate and reasonable understanding of their plight...a very unselfish and noble endeavor as I see it.

    And besides, how do you know that I am in fact some type of green-complexioned fecundater of helpless earth females? If this were indeed the case (and mind you, I'm not saying it is or isn't) would I be so bold as to come here with pickle in hand seeking my next victim? I think not. I strongly suspect REAL Aliens are more subtle creatures, not that subtlety is a virtue worth quibbling over mind you, but still.

    I also take issue with the venomous phrase "...half breed larva of this green interloper." That's a pretty low blow coming from a species whose 2 main claims to fame rests on an accidental genetic mutation and a dependance on somewhat antiquated fossil fuel technologies. Your planet is for the most part an overcrowded and over polluted nightmare of a place whose inhabitants have repeatedly engaged in numerous wars and other forms of ethnic cleansing. It doesn't surprise me that innocent aliens would also be on your list of subversives in need of extermination.

    Ripley and Rosebud have no doubt been traumatized by imposters who were posing as aliens, and if I know anything about imposters (which indeed I do) I suspect they were victimized by highly unethical members of their own government, and my vastly superior intuition tells me that YOU are indeed one of those imposters who is attempting to erect a mental barrier of mistrust between me and these two innocents. It won't work. I am "on to you" as you humanoids are so fond of saying. Both Rosebud and Ripley have a subconscious desire to be overwhelmingly submissive and obedient. Why can't you see the beauty in that?
  7. Ripley

    Ripley Regular Member

    Schizy, I'm giving you the benifit of the doubt. I would like to set up a session with you, to see if you can really bring back my repressed memories. I want to get to the bottom of this once and for all! If you could help me with this, I would be eternally grateful. :nod:
  8. riteaim

    riteaim Regular Member

    I bet you do take issue with that phrase. As you know the truth hurts. It also brings out the true colors of the one stung by it and that color my dear Alien interloper is GREEN! The abhorrence you feel for the human race has been brought to the light of day by your words uttered here. The odium that you feel for this planet and its inhabitance oozes forth from you like the rain from a swollen storm cloud. It is only matched by your misogynistic mannorisms directed at the poor haplass earth women Ripley and Rosebud.

    You however make one assumption to many. You call this "MY" planet. You not only underestimate me but fien knowledge of my origin and worse yet my sympathies. You know not of me Sir.

    Your saving grace?

    Diligentia maximum etiam mediocris ingeni subsidium :rolleyes:

    I am watching you.
  9. riteaim

    riteaim Regular Member


    Ripley! For the love of all that is holy do not let this philandering pickle wielding Alien anywhere near your subconcious. These repressed memories you speak of are from his Deflowering Pickle chamber. Think hard can you not recall the hazy green light that surrounded you. The slimey green pulsating pickle that invaded your personal space? Last but not anyless traumatizing the whispering voice of Schizy telling you over and over to forget the pickling chamber.

    You will be eternally oblivious to this alien invader if you let him within 10 feet of yourself.
  10. riteaim

    riteaim Regular Member

  11. Schizander

    Schizander Regular Member

    First of all, Ritelame, they invented spellcheckers for a reason. And what do you know about such things as truth and the human race? Not much I suspect....only what drivel your arrogant sodium brandishing anti-alien talking heads back THERE have spoon fed you since day one and no doubt it was a *silver spoon* they used to shovel in the mountain of ethnocentric drivel. Ha! and Ha! again, you you...humanoid miscreant!

    Yooouuuuuuuu-make-my slime glands ooze great ropey gobs of green slimesnot! How dare you slander Dr. Schizander with your puerile juvenile insults. I suspect you were sent here by you-know-who as an operative for you-know-what! This is NOT, I repeat, NOT back THERE in Ritewing La La Land!

    The odium I feel for this planet and its inhabitance (sp) is of course simply a blantantly absurd and totally erroneous tabloid ruse on your part, but of course so are jumping to conclusions, spreading lies and misinformation, and your kind's favorite pastime, the habitual alien finger-pointing. As for my alledged "misogynistic" mannorisms (sp) directed at the poor haplass (sp) earth women, etc....exactly who is calling whom a misogynist?

    Since when is providing much needed pro-bono post abduction therapy to deserving humanoid women (who btw have been consistently victimized by their own shadow government) misogynistic? My intuition tells me it's no mere coincidence that you just happened to stumble in here right when their extensive memory retrieval treatment was scheduled to begin.

    Suppose you start being truthful for once in your miserable alien-bashing life and tell these two women exactly what is it that YOU don't want THEM to remember? Could it be that YOU were one of the malodorous, meddlesome, maniacal misfits who descended from the metallic bowels of your unmarked black helicopter, a helicopter which had been redesigned to resemble a common UFO? The people here at Alien Soup are too smart to be taken in and fooled by the likes of you, and that includes Rosebud and Ripley. Ask them which is more important...my pickle therapy or your deranged alien conspiracy nonsense. I think you know in your heart of hearts what their answer will be.
  12. rosebud

    rosebud Regular Member

    Oh my word!!!!! What has happened here. Do we have an outsider who doesn't believe in aliens? Who's soul purpose is to harm all aliens that come to this site?

    This brings back very bad memorys for me now. Memorys of this other site I belong to. Memorys of alien haters.

    riteaim, I know who you are. (baby). :) This is a place where aliens can come to be free from the negitivity that aliens are up to no good. That the only thing that aliens want is us Earth woman. Oh I am sure that out there, many Earth woman would love to see an alien pickle. I on the other hand, hat is the furthest thing from my mind.

    My purpose is to get as many people together and make a march on Washington. Demonstrating that all aliens have a right to be free. What say you riteaim, will you join forces with me?
  13. Schizander

    Schizander Regular Member

    Ripley, in light of recent developments, mainly the arrival here in Soupville of this delusional and threatening riteaim cyberthug (and it's anyone's guess as to exactly how many more of his kind will eventually show up here but the number could be in the hundreds), it might be better to conduct your memory retrieval sessions in the privacy of my private UFO...the backseat area conveniently folds down into a refrigerated queen-sized metallic probing table, the surface of which is kept at a nice chilly 36.4 degrees F...the perfect probing temp. (naturally this will be an initial non-physical mind probing session.)

    Please wear something revealing, stimulating, and medium green, as this type of attire traditionally symbolizes your willingness to surrender these horrible false abduction memories to my seductive mind probe. When the actual mind probe begins, you will be completely nude and lying flat of your back, but not to worry, everything will be fine and all those bad thoughts will go bye bye forever. Simply submit yourself completely and obey my instructions.

    My suggestion is to totally ignore all these negative comments and false accusations which have been posted here by this riteaim slug. Obviously he has been dispatched from your former location which is still under the control of his manipulative handlers. Just remember what I told you privately last night....aliens have NEVER abducted anyone. That's right. Not one human has ever been taken against his or her will. Quite the contrary...all our so-called abductees were in fact volunteers.

    I'm not saying there haven't been forced abductions, but I am saying we had nothing to do with such hideous unauthorized acts of violence, but I can tell you who did..yes, humans in your own government (unprincipled paid mercenaries like riteaim) who can only find employment and personal satisfaction in the arena of government deceit and coverup. And please ask Rose to stop referring to him as "baby."
  14. Ripley

    Ripley Regular Member

    Riteaim.....my meds my previous, Dr. J Moora have run out. It seems that I am starting to believe Dr. Schizy more and more as my meds are withdrawing from my system. I am drawn to him in ways that I didn't think possible. So you see, I don't have much choice but to go see him at least once. I have tried to reach Dr. J Moora and he seems to be out of the country. Without my mind suppressing drugs, I have no other recourse. :oddgrin:

    Schizy....You seem to know that I already own a medium green outfit such as you requested. I guess I have no choice but to wear it for you. I hope it meets your approval. A chilly exam table does sound titilating! I'm sure my memories will just pop out at once! Maybe it will only take one session for my memories to come spilling out.
  15. Ripley

    Ripley Regular Member

    Roseydear....I'm afraid I am not strong enough to fight off Schizy's Doctorial advances. I'm afraid I will get probed no matter how hard I try not to. My meds from Dr.J Moora are almost completely out of my system, and with him being MIA, I can't get a refill. I am drawn to Schizy. I hear him in my dreams...calling my name, and telling me to come to him at once. He is always in a white lab coat...but instead of hands, he has green tentacles. I wake up in a cold sweat! :eek:
  16. Schizander

    Schizander Regular Member

    Relax, Ripley. Costly mind-altering medications with far too many negative side effects are no longer necessary. From this point on you will be totally dependant on me and my advanced skills as a repressed memory expert and pickle weilding analyst.

    You are being drawn to me because your mind is being subjected to an intense barrage of unstoppable alien thought waves which will eventually cause you to be totally uninhibited about those all-important events which led up to your abduction experience....and yes, the nice medium green lace thingy from Victoria's will be great for our first session. I especially like the pair of colorful UFO pasties that came with it.

    Try and describe in detail exactly what happened to you during and after your most memorable abduction experience. Don't be bashful. You were just thinking about how you saw what initially appeared to be a UFO hovering over your house at about 3 A.M., but as it turned out it wasn't a real UFO was it?

    What was it that made you suspect these were human imposters and not aliens? Relax...close your eyes....take off your medium green memory retrieval outfit...that's it...lie back on the cold hard probe table...yes, I know your skin might stick to it and peel off if you try and move too suddenly....trust me.
  17. riteaim

    riteaim Regular Member

    “First of all, Ritelame, they invented spellcheckers for a reason. And what do you know about such things as truth and the human race? Not much I suspect....only what drivel your arrogant sodium brandishing anti-alien talking heads back THERE have spoon fed you since day one and no doubt it was a *silver spoon* they used to shovel in the mountain of ethnocentric drivel. Ha! and Ha! again, you you...humanoid miscreant!”

    Do not speak to me of grammar you purveyor of pleonastic pablum. Your simplistic view of of what you perceive me to be will be your downfall. I suggest you underestimate not my presence in this room. You would do well to show proper respect to your intellectual superior. Take heed of the dynamic that my presence has introduced upon this conversation my dear Alien.

    “Yooouuuuuuuu-make-my slime glands ooze great ropey gobs of green slimesnot! How dare you slander Dr. Schizander with your puerile juvenile insults. I suspect you were sent here by you-know-who as an operative for you-know-what! This is NOT, I repeat, NOT back THERE in Ritewing La La Land!”

    It seems I have hit a sore spot Dr. Perhaps the sight of a snot oozing, sexually perplexed, pickle wielding Alien horn dog will be enough to wake up poor Ripley and Rosebunny. As for being an operative from “back there” I assure you I have been here and there and have made it my cause to protect the nubile nymphs of this planet from both sexual harassment and depraved leftwing ideology.

    “The odium I feel for this planet and its inhabitance (sp) is of course simply a blatantly absurd and totally erroneous tabloid ruse on your part, but of course so are jumping to conclusions, spreading lies and misinformation, and your kind's favorite pastime, the habitual alien finger-pointing. As for my alleged "misogynistic" mannorisms (sp) directed at the poor haplass (sp) earth women, etc....exactly who is calling whom a misogynist?”

    So you admit to having disdain for these poor earth creatures. Ha! Ha! And Ha once more! Your misogynist ways are blatant Dr. is it not you who wields the slimly pickle seeking to impale unwitting earth women? Shame on you! Shame Shame Shame!

    "Since when is providing much needed pro-bono post abduction therapy to deserving humanoid women (who btw have been consistently victimized by their own shadow government) misogynistic? My intuition tells me it's no mere coincidence that you just happened to stumble in here right when their extensive memory retrieval treatment was scheduled to begin."

    There lays the problem my dear warped Doctor. The pro bona pickle that you slip into your unsuspecting victims during your so called “therapy”. I know all your dirty lil secrets and the people who as we speak search for you. Your intuition is correct Dr. for I have watched your pale green hide since you first came to this planet.

    "Suppose you start being truthful for once in your miserable alien-bashing life and tell these two women exactly what is it that YOU don't want THEM to remember? Could it be that YOU were one of the malodorous, meddlesome, maniacal misfits who descended from the metallic bowels of your unmarked black helicopter, a helicopter which had been redesigned to resemble a common UFO? The people here at Alien Soup are too smart to be taken in and fooled by the likes of you, and that includes Rosebud and Ripley. Ask them which is more important...my pickle therapy or your deranged alien conspiracy nonsense. I think you know in your heart of hearts what their answer will be."

    I want no need them to remember what preceded their meeting you. They need to open their subconscious and purge the Alien lies imbedded there by you and your kind. Then they need to allow me in. To show them their full potential as primiparas of a new Humanity. :ohboy:
  18. riteaim

    riteaim Regular Member

    I am no outsider Rosebud you have known of me for many years dear one. That is why you may think you know who I am. However what you feel as knowing me is in reality the deep seated anagram that was created at your birth. I am what you would call causal agent. You see your whole life has been building to this moment in time where we would meet and purge this planet of the Alien menace that now infests it.

    Rosebud we have joined forces long ago. It is only because of your deuteranopic deficiency that you can not see Dr. Shiz true intent. I promise you that with my guidance
    you will rid your planet of this green menace. You must protect Ripley until we remove this infection for she is much more vulnerable then you.
  19. riteaim

    riteaim Regular Member

    Ripley let me into your mind and i will protect you from this pickle wielding demon. You do not need no meds, that was only a lie placed in your head by the evil Dr. J Moora aka Dr. Shiz.

    Come to me and I will set you free!
  20. rosebud

    rosebud Regular Member

    Ohh noooooo!!!!!!!!! It's happening again. And here I thought I was safe from those who try to hurt aliens. Now I am ask to listen to this riteaim person. I should listen to him, for the good of this planet and to get rid of all aliens!!!!!!!!!!!!

    How can you say such a thing Riteaim? Don't you think that aliens have a right to live here just as much as we do?

    Tell me something Riteaim what if you found out that Earth will explode in 5 days. With our alien friends and there ships they help us off this rock and bring us to their planet.

    Now, would you want to live a life in peace along with this multitude of aliens or would you want them to haul you off their space ship, bring you to their lab and disect you? Doesn't seem right does it? Well if we dont' treat these aliens as our friends then just maybe one day this will happen. Are you ready to be disected riteaim? Are you ready to be probed by a lovely green alien?

    Think about what you are saying riteaim.

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