About Alien Soup

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by rosebud, Sep 15, 2005.

  1. rosebud

    rosebud Regular Member

    Do you really want to know how I found Alien soup Schizander? I was looking up information on Aliens, when I came across this site.

    I have dealt with aliens for two years. I have been aboard this space ship and delt with evil aliens as well as good. There was this one alien *sorry I can not give his name at this time* but he had to escape his planet, since he was being hunted by a terrible, nasty Alien general. He landed here on Earth and many Earthly females befriended him. I do say it was quite an interesting tale to say the least. And maybe if I had more time I would tell you of my adventures with this Alien. After two years this Alien new it was time to leave this Earthly world and to travel amongst the stars.
  2. Ripley

    Ripley Regular Member

    I'm sorry, did someone say UFO???? I have been in therapy for months now. I have tons of repressed memories. For some reason I start to sweat and have a sudden urge to have a dill pickle. :eek: Ufo, hmmmm ufo.....UNDULATING FEMALE OBJECT!!! :naughty: :nuts:

    Oh no, its starting again! My therapist, Dr. J Moora seems to think I was some kind of Nymphomaniac Slave to a certain alien :ufo: *who's name I can not remember at this time*My Dr. has me heavily drugged, to keep the memories repressed. He says the time will come when it will once again be alright to have those thoughts. For now, its not safe. :pimp:
  3. lobo

    lobo Guest

    :eek: Are You infectious? Seems that You should be isolated and probed hardly. Prox! Prox! We need Your help!!!!
  4. rosebud

    rosebud Regular Member

    Dr. J moora, that name seems so familiar. And dill pickles with aliens, seems to be coming back to me now. :lol:

    why do Aliens have a liking for green dill pickles? And why would Aliens just want human females. Are there not Alien females who would love to take a human male to play with?

    Yes therapy is good, but only if you really need it. When this alien friend left this site I belong to...he left us females behind to finish what he had started.

    My objective on this site was to free all aliens. That aliens have every right to stay on this planet. Not to be hunted down and killed or experimented on or even disected. That is why I am here. Alien run's this site and we must protect him at all costs.
  5. Schizander

    Schizander Regular Member

    Now, now, my dear Rosebud, let's not let our imagination get too active. Of course we all understand how you just happened to stumble onto the alien soup website quite by accident (winks) when you were mmmm...looking up info on those pesty aliens...Ooooo-K....(I'll play along, after all, this is part of her long overdue repressed abduction memory therapy.)

    My my, but you have quite the extraterrestrial resume' don't you? Been around aliens for two years...known some bad aliens and some good ones.... and I see you're also claiming to have been on board one of their UFO's....(yawn) You seem to be quite the experienced little warped speed space traveler, but you don't really expect us to believe that you actually had a...ahem...RELATIONSHIP with this mysterious alien you mentioned do you? I mean...do you? Getting yourself abducted and probed repeatedly for a cheap thrill is one thing, but an actual human/alien realationship? Let's be honest here...did such a thing really happen, or are you simply trying to impress all these alien soupheads?

    I happen to be somewhat of an authority on aliens, and I can assure you that it is highly unusual for an alien to to...become romantically involved with a humanoid female person such as yourself. Don't misunderstand me...I did NOT say it was impossible for such an unheard of event to transpire, but it is so rare as to be practically next to impossible, which, as you may or may not know, is almost as rare as being completely impossible but not quite. I don't suppose you have anything lying around the house or office which might resemble actual proof of these claims. Well? Oh BTW, that's very considerate of you not to mention this alledged alien by name.
  6. Schizander

    Schizander Regular Member

    I can see right now I have my work cut out for me. I have a feeling all those years of training as a certified alien abduction therapist are about to pay off. Welcome to group therapy, Ms Ripley..it is Ms... or is it Mrs. Ripley? Either way, you are at the right place and I suppose you just happened to stumble in here while looking for alien info...or were you out on the town for a quick dill pickle fix? Let's be honest here. Undulating Female Object indeed! Ha! As if you expect us to swallow that one.

    So you have been under a physician's care previously then? I don't recall ever hearing about this Dr. Moose character, but that's not so unusual. I see he has evidently made a diagnosis of Obsessive Compulsive E.T. Disorder which is further complicated by Paranoid Delusional Grandiosity as it pertains to Gherkinophobia in the final stages. Obviously, you left treatment early, but that was then and this is now, and we shall get to the bottom of this if indeed it has a bottom to get to the bottom of which I seriously doubt.

    And as for it being ok for you to have thoughts again, I'll be the judge of that. After all I AM the certified therapist, and as always, the professional therapist always knows what's best for the patient. There may indeed come a time when you are allowed to think for yourself again, but until then I'm afraid I must insist that you allow me to do ALL the thinking for you. Just sit back and relax and leave all that hard worrisome thinking stuff to me. That's it...you're feeling sooooo much better already aren't you?

    Now I want you to tell me all about these repressed alien abduction memories, but remember, don't think too hard about anything. It's very important that you don't over exert your delicate undulating mind. You can be completely confident in the care you are about to receive. Just remember...you are in good tentacles..I mean hands.. with Dr. Schizander.
  7. Ripley

    Ripley Regular Member

    Infectious...no...Infatuated...maybe. Who is this Prox person you speak of ? Does He prob better then you? :whip:
  8. Ripley

    Ripley Regular Member

    Perhaps you are/were under Dr. Moora's care at some time? He is a very nice Dr. I do EVERYTHING he says. He takes care of me, and I have been feeling much better.

    Don't we Earthly females ALWAYS have to finish what a man/alien starts? lol But from what I remember...finishing what an Alien starts, is worth its weight in Dill Spears.
  9. Ripley

    Ripley Regular Member

    It's Ms. Ripley thank you very much. Why should I trust you Schizander? I have said I am already under another Dr.'s care. :nuts:

    I don't have time to sit around and share my innermost thoughts and repressed memories of my alien UFOing (undulating female object). Certainly not with the likes of you Mr. Schizander! What an errogant assumption, that you would think I would just swoon into your tentacles, I mean hands...and let you have your way, with my mind! MY MEMORIES....My nightmares! :oddgrin:

    Now, I must go...and make a pickle sandwich. I still have a hankering for a hunk of dill! :snack:
  10. rosebud

    rosebud Regular Member

    Mr. Schizander It is really nice of you to want to come forward and help me with a problem I do not have. I was just telling you the experience I had with this alien.

    When I first met this alien, yes first thing out of his mouth was to have me probed, but I wouldn't hear of it. After two years not once did I give him permission to probe me. And being a friendly alien that he was, he respected my wishes. Besides I am married and having a green alien pickle probing would be sooooo wrong. lol He did however take my DNA and made many rosebuds. Where they are now, I can not say. lol

    The only relationship I had with this alien was to be his friend and nothing more than that. Why is it so hard for people to understand thay you can be friends with aliens with out anything else going on. *big sighs*

    Mr. Schizander I will never disclose this aliens name, since it is a privacy issue. He was my friend and friends stick together.

    Now I will ask you a question or two Mr. Schizander, how is it that you came about finding this site? What is your impression about alien life? Do you think there are good aliens who if they landed here on Earth should be welcomed and not taken by the goverment and placed in a room to be killed or disected? Do you think they have a right to be free. To live amongst us and live a normal life like you and I do?
  11. Stonelaughter

    Stonelaughter Regular Member

    I say Ms. Ripley... would you undulate for me? I imagine it's a most... edifying sight.
  12. Ripley

    Ripley Regular Member

    Why, Mr. Stonelaughter...we barely know each other. :slap: I can't just undulate on command...unless your a slimy, scaly, green, oozy, goozy alien! :ohboy:
  13. Schizander

    Schizander Regular Member

    Well, that's all very well and good, but unfortunately this Dr. Moora creature is not licensed to practice in Soupville. We have very high standards here, and not just any Tom, Dick, and Moora is allowed to participate in the very sensitive field of alien abduction recovery.

    As far as that goes, I am in fact somewhat overqualified for my current position as Abduction/Probe Therapist First Class. During my post-graduate internship training back on my home planet, most of the emphasis was on extraordinarily proficient alien appendages and how they are related to the satisfactory resolution of extremely repressed sexuality in certain nymphomonious earth females, but since there has been no need for those particular skills (until now) I have spent most of my time doing abduction memory retrieval work.
  14. rosebud

    rosebud Regular Member

    As far as that goes, I am in fact somewhat overqualified for my current position as Abduction/Probe Therapist First Class. During my post-graduate internship training back on my home planet, most of the emphasis was on extraordinarily proficient alien appendages and how they are related to the satisfactory resolution of extremely repressed sexuality in certain nymphomonious earth females, but since there has been no need for those particular skills (until now) I have spent most of my time doing abduction memory retrieval work

    So in this statement right here Schizander you admit being an alien. Otherwise why would you say (home planet) Hmmmm? Now that you have admitted to being an alien, why don't you tell us your story. How did you get here, and why did you pick alien soup as a place to communicate with Earth people? What is your objective? I think I will get you started on these questions and you need to answer the other questions I asked you as well.
  15. Schizander

    Schizander Regular Member

    Why should you trust me indeed? You have no real choice, my dear Ms Ripley, as I am the only qualified certified licensed abduction probe therapist available here in the whole of Soupville.

    Oh look what just came across my desk this very moment...why, I do believe it's a referral from your very own Dr. Moora and he's asking me to take over where he left off and and he's also instructed me to see to it that you always get what's coming to you and "get it good" as he so emphatically puts it.

    Well, there you have it then. You are mine now, so I suggest you start cooperating and stop trying to weazel out of your upcoming battery of pre probe virgin determination tests, which I personally will be conducting in the immaculately sterile confines of the IWVH (International World Virgin Headquarters) lab located just off exit 31 right here in Soupville, USA .

    And as for not having time to share those innermost thoughts and repressed memories of your UFO (Undulating Female Object type UFO) experience with me...perhaps now is the time for me to remind you again of our current fall special on repressed memories and horrible nightmares. If you act now, you can get the second set of repressed memories retrieved absolutely free, and and to show what a nice fella I am, I'm also throwing in three free alien pickle sessions. I mean really now, be honest...has all this playing hard to get routine been worth it?
  16. rosebud

    rosebud Regular Member

    Ripley don't listen to Schizander. He is really one of those evil aliens I mentioned earlier. They will stop at nothing to get a female into their pickle chamber. They love woman to be submissive and obedient and to listen only to them. Do not go to your doctors appointment this week, for he will be there in disguise and then place you under his spell. When you wake up Ripley you will have no choice but to listen to him for you will have no place to escape to. No one to help you. You will be defensless against his will.

    By the way Schizander your real name or alien name wouldn't start with a Z would it?
  17. Schizander

    Schizander Regular Member

    "By the way Schizander, your real name or alien name wouldn't start with a Z would it?"

    Maybe...maybe not. BTW, not all aliens are evil. Just the evil ones. And what do you know about what goes on inside an advanced alien pickle chamber? Not much I suspect. You indicated in one of your previous posts that you were quite chummy with an alien at the last place you frequented on the web, or was that just an overactive imagination? Do you really expect us to believe that you had some kind of platonic relationship with a slimey green scaley probe happy alien? Do we really sound that naive?

    And of course aliens prefer their humanoid female abductees be submissive and obedient. How else could it be? Would the all important scientific work of probing ever get completed if we...I mean..if they had to contend with a bunch of unsubmissive disobedient human female abductees? It just wouldn't be logical would it? Always remember that, Rosebud.

    Why can't you be cooperative like Ripley? All this unauthorized questioning of superiors and on top of that, your somewhat accusatory tone is likely to spread and cause dissention and unrest among the other abductees. Notice how agreeable Ripley has been. She's been the model abductee, and she shall be handsomely rewarded for her positive attitude and willingness to move foward with her abduction and probing experience. You could learn a lot from her example.
  18. rosebud

    rosebud Regular Member

    *And what do you know about what goes on inside an advanced alien pickle chamber? Not much I suspect*

    Schizander, I have seen the room of an alien pickle chamber. I was once on a space ship saving my best friend from the evil clutches of this green, mean slimeball of an alien. To make a long story short, we did get rescued by this kind gentle alien who became our good friend.

    *You indicated in one of your previous posts that you were quite chummy with an alien at the last place you frequented on the web, or was that just an overactive imagination? Do you really expect us to believe that you had some kind of platonic relationship with a slimey green scaley probe happy alien? Do we really sound that naive?*

    We were friends and nothing more than that Schizander. I really dont' care if you or anyone else do not believe me or not. I just thought I would tell you the real story about my alien friend. The injustice and hatred that he had to endure was to much for him. That is why he left Earth.

    *And of course aliens prefer their humanoid female abductees be submissive and obedient. How else could it be? Would the all important scientific work of probing ever get completed if we...I mean..if they had to contend with a bunch of unsubmissive disobedient human female abductees? It just wouldn't be logical would it? Always remember that, Rosebud.*

    I will remember that Schizander. I was never probed by my alien friend. Fought him all the way about this. Although he did take my DNA and make many in my image that is all that has been done to me.

    * Why can't you be cooperative like Ripley? All this unauthorized questioning of superiors and on top of that, your somewhat accusatory tone is likely to spread and cause dissention and unrest among the other abductees. Notice how agreeable Ripley has been. She's been the model abductee, and she shall be handsomely rewarded for her positive attitude and willingness to move foward with her abduction and probing experience. You could learn a lot from her example.*

    You are absolutely correct Schizander. This is alien's site and I am a member here. What ever Alien orders me to do, I will comply.
  19. Ripley

    Ripley Regular Member

    First of all Schizy, I don't believe I ever said I WOULD let you probe me, or listen to any of my haunting repressed memories. I don't believe that my Dr. has turned my case over to you. He never called, emaile or snail mailed me with this option.

    Second of all, I believe there is a time and a place to be submissive, :banana: but when talking to you...that is deffinately not an option.

    Rosebud, I'm confused that you had such a good experience with your alien friend. The last memory that I had, that hasn't been repressed, is being hit on the back of the head, and being drug away. :abduct: I wish I could have shared in your friendship with that alien. I'm afraid the drugs my Dr. has me on, have clouded whatever good memories I might have had. I can only remember the screaming, and beating of the woman I was around. We were all kept in seperate chambers lined with green scaly wallpaper.

    Ohhh, its time for my meds.....take care Rosebud.
  20. Schizander

    Schizander Regular Member

    I'm afraid that's quite impossible, Rosebud...to date no humanoid abductee has been allowed to enter a secure alien pickle chamber without first being incapacitated by an intense barrage of alien thought waves, which as you know or should know by now, thoroughly represses all memories of the event. And the only way these memories can be properly retrieved is by placing the person under the direct personal care and supervision of a qualified certified abduction therapist such as myself....all the more reason for you to stop resisting and start cooperating.

    I'm not sure if you realize it or not, but you are becoming a human roadblock to scientific progress. There are millions of humans out there patiently waiting to be abducted and probed which means they will also be needing memory retrieval therapy. I would think that by now your behavior is beginning to make you feel a certain sense of guilt and shame.

    Oh sure, you may have THOUGHT you were on an alien space ship being victimized by a "green slime ball alien" and then being rescued by a benevolent one, but the fact is this was probably nothing more than an induced reality procedure carried out by the aliens in one of their state of the art mind probe labs to convince you to accept aliens as your friends and masters, but in your case something seems to have gone wrong. Not to worry, we shall find out what when and why this small error happened and get you back on track being submissive and obedient like a good little abductee.

    You said you were never probed by your alien friend. Need I remind you there is more than one way to probe a human subject? Oh, now I see where you are coming from...you think aliens only conduct THAT kind of probe. Well, that's about as far from the truth as you can possibly get. It is true that in the murky past some of the more aggressive inexperienced aliens did get carried away with the somewhat crude probing implements of their day, but that was then and this is now. The only probes allowed on most UFO's today are the highly advanced AZS remote mindwave type which only requires a handful of superior advanced alien brains connected in series to the one vastly inferior human brain...and naturally when the alien brains focus their combined energies, the human brain simply surrenders and from then on thinks only what it is told to think and this takes place on the conscious as well as unconscious level. Simple really.

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