Its currently at 92,745 and I am wowed, congrats to the admin team and everyone here! That is some serious traffic coming here If youre wondering why I know its because I am using the Search Status addon for FF which tells you the PR and Alexa rank of any website you visit
It cant be that meaningless considering advertisers sometimes want to know what your rank is and if it is good theyre sometimes willing to pay extra, also some SEO experts claim your sites traffic amount can count towards to how well you rank in the SE's. Besides that 92k is very good considering the age of AA.
Well, Alexa is only meaningful to those who consider it, well... meaningful. lol The proper term to describe it is inaccurate or skewed. See my post here:
Having a spyware ranking is nothing to be proud of. In fact, I am ashamed that my site is even listed with alexa. Alexa ranking means that someone with spyware installed on their computer visited the site. Spyware is spyware. Regardless if its alexa or something else. Its still a program that tracks your internet activity. And the last I heard, spyware was bad.
So, let's see. You're against google, Microsoft, Mozilla, and hell, any other software designer that uses stats too? Yeah, there's a problem there. You might as well give up your internet connection and go play somewhere else. Alexa is not spyware. yes, it transmits information about what you're viewing, etc, but so does google, any router, any browser you're using any more, and, well, any antivirus program and webpage. In short, just stay off the internet if you're that paranoid about stuff. BTW: A week after the original post, AA is down 5k, not too shabby!
Yes it is. That makes it spyware. The thing with alexa, there is no way to turn it off. And most of the time, it has to be removed by a spyware removal tool. It runs in the background, without the users knowledge, and most of the time without the users permission. Your excuses for alexa fall short of being justified. Google tracks just the traffic for google, firefox tracks traffic? lol that is funny. Routers track traffic? lol - that is even funnier.
Incorrect. Again, incorrect Alexa is a toolbar, it runs on the browser, with the user's consent AND permission, just like goole's toolbar, and just as easily removed. Maybe (maybe) previously they did something else, but, for the past few years it has been solely toobar data. And your lack of knowledge on the matter is no excuse to call something what it is not. Not correct in the least. With their 'toolbar', same as with alexa and the pagerank feature enabled, it does exactly the same thing. They track your browsing just like Alexa does. Absolutely, it's called 'cache' and 'history'. yes, you can clean them, but it is just the same thing. Again, it is astounding the (lack) of information here. Please, do get your facts straight. Routers and ISP's DO in fact track your traffic. How do you think they're able to tell organizations such as the RIAA you're violating the law? How do you think they're able to generate custom 404's when you're not even using their dns? It's all through tracking. Even better, this website you're on? It tracks you, though in other ways. It remembers who you are, even if you tell it not to. If it didn't, the functionality would not work. No information is submitted elsewhere, but you still have information stored on your computer, in your browser that you have been here, which is tracking you. There's nothing wrong or super secret about it doing so, but this website remembers you, and 'tracks' you. Alexa is no different from google in that you must specifically allow it on your computer. That is not spyware, that is software. It's not even software, it's a plugin, there is a huge difference! I've (personally) been using both Alexa and google toolbars for years. Neither are spyware by any means.
Alexa is spyware - it tracks your internet activity. Never in my life have I seen so many people defend blatant spyware. As for removing alexa - "if" its listed in control panel - add remove programs - if you remove it, its still on your computer running. Its only visible through ctrl-alt-del As for my knowledge on the topic - I have been working on computers since the late 1990s. I do computer repair as my full time job as a network administrator. At one time, alexa was some of the worst spyware/malware/adware that you could get on your computer.