AA running slow

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by David, Nov 12, 2009.

  1. David

    David Regular Member

    Is it just me or is AA going really slow, particularly right now, and a littler earlier it was crawling
  2. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Its just you - AA is running fine for me.
  3. gnatster

    gnatster Regular Member

    Snappy as ever here....
  4. SimpleMan

    SimpleMan Adept

    Great here - might be the momentary negative vibes there for a bit (LOL).
  5. hotwheels

    hotwheels Champion

    Runnin good here too.......
  6. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    There have been glitches and slow times. Yesterday it even timed out a few times. But it is now quite fast.
  7. Svoboda

    Svoboda Adept

    This morning around 9:30 I did notice some page hanging. It cleared up shortly thereafter though.
  8. David

    David Regular Member

    yep seems to be good now again.

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