AA Revitalization

Discussion in 'Water Cooler' started by TSUFanatic, Sep 23, 2012.

  1. TSUFanatic

    TSUFanatic Regular Member


    It's time to revitalize AdminAddict. I rember Adminaddict back in it's prime, this forum was thriving with activity, I preferred posting here instead of DigitalPoint because of the quality of responses and fast response time as well.

    We all can do a part in revitalizing this great site, try to make it your goal to get one member a day to sign up on here, put Adminaddict's link in other sites that you visit (if it's allowed), try to make new threads and posts, and most importantly have fun.

    - BullsNet
  2. David

    David Regular Member

    Great idea! Part of the problem is that there are just so many admin communities and people tend to stick in small sheepish groups or where the "cool kids" go.
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  3. TSUFanatic

    TSUFanatic Regular Member

    Is the 'cool kids' site AE nowadays?
  4. David

    David Regular Member

    Doubt it, the place seems pretty dead except the one thread about me, and another about XF lawsuit or something.

    But then again for some reason most admin forums seem lacking in activity lately.
  5. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    It's a problem for most forums, not just Admin Niche ones. Internet trends have changed, it's that simple.

    Go in Google and enter "powered by vBulletin", go look at some old large vBulletin 3 forums listed in it and see how many are not being used, even though they have a lot of content listed. There's tons lying dormant doing nothing!
  6. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    The problem with this site, is really the same one as mine. 99% of the people posting on Admin Extra, they won't post here or other forum boards like mine on purpose. But the funny thing is, they'll all willingly post replies fast to you (if taking your same discussion their). They make a point of not doing it to shun your site if you ask me, stick with posting on AX and maybe one or two other sites. I leave them to it now, can't be bothered with that kind of childish mentality.
  7. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    I all honesty I would rather not have many of those people from AdX posting here. There are very few from there that have a genuine thought. Most go as the wind blows and have no real ideals. You all know who the ones I speak of are.

    The internet landscape has changed. However there are some very active forums still going strong. My tech site has a steady stream of new members joining, a dedicated staff and a great core group of people. There are many forums that are like that. The only real change from a few years ago is every niche is saturated so competition is stiff. When I first started with forums there weren't any forum only sites. Forums used be a part of a site and not the focus. Then they evolved to being the main focus of sites. What is happening now isn't the demise of forums. It's evolution of them.
  8. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Don't get me wrong, feel same way as you. I don't want most of them joining and posting on my forum either (I'm not that desperate). It would spell trouble anyhow, most would join to be sarcastic and funny in posts with me generally. They've done it for years anyway where my site is concerned, couldn't care less what they do anymore. But difference now, I'll not go running over their so they can reply back to me suiting them perfect.
  9. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Don't get me wrong I have a few friends that post there and a few more I respect. Those people are members here and do post here on occasion. There are others that I just can't stand or are cowards and either don't post here or will do a drive by and post nonsense and never come back. Those are the ones I hope never join although they wouldn't anyway because I will not protect like some other admin sites do.
    2 people like this.
  10. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Now to get the thread back on topic. I do have some plans for the future. They will be unveiled shortly. I'm working out the final details with some people before I start the ball rolling.
  11. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Ah well, leave em to it. I'm really not that interested in what they do, or don't do.
  12. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    To be honest with you, looking at how much content is listed here already driving traffic your way each day. Have you not stopped and though if the problem is more to do with using IPB, rather than something like XenForo. Most seem to prefer using Admin Niche forums using XenForo. I've used it same as you before, and while it lacked things, it's the best forum software I've used that makes you want to post more on sites using it, there's just something about it in that respect.

    I enjoyed using XenForo, but was having issues with shared hosting running it. It's not well suited to shared hosting really. But had it run perfect for me, I would have stuck it because it's good for posting with. I know IPB is YOUR thing, what you like. But have you not given thought what things might be like here if you used XenForo instead, if it might change things a lot?
  13. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    But then that would bring in the people I don't want here. Not to mention converting to a dead product with no future would be the worse decision an admin could ever make.

    Software doesn't make a difference. Never has, never will. Yes I prefer IPB. 4 years ago I preferred vbulletin. 10 years ago I preferred wwwthreads. Until another forum software comes along that has the features that IPB has and is developed and supported as good as IPB I will stay with it.
    2 people like this.
  14. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    It was just a thought, I didn't mean you should do it. Just had you considered it. Anyway, we may find out what the script is with XenForo tomorrow on: 5th November. We don't yet what's going to happen, they may actually win in one days time.
  15. Mikey

    Mikey Mikeylicio.us

    To raise this up now.. how are things compared to back then? Better or worse? Has the conversion had the desired effect for you?
  16. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Too soon to tell really. I have to dedicate more time to the site myself and I feel until I can do that the site will not grow. It will take at least a few months before we see if the switch made a difference.

    In all honesty, I think I already said it in this thread, forum software doesn't really matter. If staff doesn't actively participate by creating new threads or adding tutorials and such then the community will be doomed. I myself am guilty of this. When I added a discussion area to my first site by creating a frontpage extension that acted like a threaded discussion board people were drawn to it. In a year it had a million posts. That was in 1995. When I moved the forum to it's own domain and starting using UBB in 1999 it took 6 months to hit a million posts. When I closed the site down in 2001 it had almost 6 millions posts. Back then I never had to start threads or take part in the discussions. People just wanted to interact with each other and they could do that in a way never done before. Today if an admin and staff don't participate a community will never grow.

    In days of old you could install a forum and after a bit of promotion sit back and watch people sign up and post away. Those days are gone.
  17. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Is is true that, hard work now because you have to be seen taking an active part in your forum as owner. Still think you made the right move switching, it's just there seems to be this mentality with some using admin forums, that they'll tend to stick with one or two only posting on. Noticed that ages ago. That's what you're up against really, getting those folk to also come here using this board as well.

    I don't care where I post.

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