A Little Help ?

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by Ak Worm, Sep 7, 2009.

  1. Ak Worm

    Ak Worm Grand Master

    Since you all hate my typing, im typing like this. But im stuck with forum management. I dont know how to get members, and yet i cant even get friends. Yeah it sucks to be me, a FAIL. Types Like A Loser, or whatever you all say. But my site, i dont know what to do anymore. no one likes it, OR ME. i need a good way to get members, and build up a comunity or whatever its suppposed to be. I have tried EVERYTHING I CAN TO GET members or posts. And yet, NONE. for 2 weeks. Im ready to just delete all files and never touch my computer again. Its not me crying, i just dont see how in the world to have a so called great site.:rolleyes: i log on everyday looking to see if anyone registers, but no new registrants, nor posts. I affiliated with a few sites, but never got anything from them except for a pic exchange. never thought it would end up being like this. Stuck and dont know where to go with a site that has gets only like 16 views in a month. i have dont everything i possibly can. Some help would be appreciated. im just stuck in neutral with my site, just backed it up before i think of taking it down and not doing anything at all. THANKS.
  2. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    Theres improvement in that thread already :D

    I can name a few things that turned me off from your site right away which you could improve on. The HUGE amount of forums, maybe condense them right down, maybe have about 10-20 forums maximum with minimum subforums.

    I dont like the black theme, maybe try something lighter and more fun or at least come up with a really good logo instead of using a banner/logo.

    I cant think of much more right now but I will post back here later with anything else.
  3. Ak Worm

    Ak Worm Grand Master

    Thanks man, appreciate it :). Only good skin i can think of is the Futuris Skin.
    I bought it awhile ago.
  4. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    Try and be better than your comp too ;) Offer something new!
  5. kneel

    kneel Regular Member

    you gotta do this right off the bat brother...thats a huge no-no.

    also..post a thread in here for a co-admin or sumones whos gonna help get that thing jump started. thats a decent site u got there...it just needs a few little tweaks!
  6. David

    David Regular Member

    The main problem is you're in a extremely diluted niche that already has established sites that offer things you don't. You've got a semi-decent domain name, except that its a .info, I'd try to improve that if you can.

    If you want to succeed, you'll need offer unique content, features and things people won't find on other sites. You can't give up after two weeks, building forums takes time for 95% of those that get launched take months and years to get a decent following.

    You need more than just a forum. People don't join sites that are just forums any more, they want something more. Build a community and users will come.

    And thank you for typing like a civil human being and not capitalizing every first character of your words.
  7. Ak Worm

    Ak Worm Grand Master

    Okay i did the admin usergroup and an owners usergoup. Im probably instaling the futuris skin. MOST of my members like it. Maybe tell me which forums have too many sub-forums? isnt that why i have tabs? I dont know which forums have too many. Should i turn them into their own categories? or just delete some?
  8. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    Your posts look so much better typed properly. Thank you for making an effort to improve.

    In real life people will judge you on all sorts of things; your clothes, your job, your diction. Here on the Internet people will judge you first on your spelling and grammar, and then on the quality of your ideas. Make a good impression with your posts, and people will be more willing to listen to you.

    It is very rare for a web site to succeed immediately, even under the best of circumstances. Learn patience, young Padawan.
  9. Ak Worm

    Ak Worm Grand Master

    I didnt just start it.....had it for awhile..since May.
    Maximum members i ever got was like 37. Im doing some
    updates now.
  10. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    I would try and be as family friendly as possible, even write up your own game walkthroughs and provide cheats in a logical and easy to use manner.
  11. John

    John Regular Member

    Well I think like the other that you are on your way to get people to like you with you new way of typing. And the site there is to many forums and many of them is empty 2. You shouldn't lock out guest from reading posts either and the style is bad so that should be changed, I know you already said that you will change it but still saying it.

    And like other mention you need to offer something more then just a forum.

    And last but not least you need to be patience the forum is pretty new and everything doesn't come right away so do some promotion on other sites and be patience.
  12. Ak Worm

    Ak Worm Grand Master

    I uploaded a new theme, taking awhile. I will look over forums that wont be needed.
    i already spotted a few. The limit guests viewing system, i might want to change it to
    like 10 or so. But when i have changed most things. Maybe i'll update here.
  13. Ryan

    Ryan Regular Member

    I love you, finally a thread/post I can read without feeling like you are shouting at me.

    Personally I think you have to many forums that you can not keep active... smart small and expand as you go along.
  14. jlevi

    jlevi Addict

    Thank-you for making an effort to type correctly, it's really appreciated. :) It makes your posts so much easier to read.

    The problem is that you've got more forums than you have posts. :eek:

    Start off with about 6 forums (basically the headers of your tabs), and then expand from there as you get more posts in these forums.

    A user will come to your site, and think "where do I post?!" because there are literally hundreds of forums and sub forums. Keep it simple, and your members will appreciate it.

    Also, when I visited the site, it looked like the skin CSS and images were completely deleted. This turns users straight off the site because the site isn't usable. You might have been editing the skin when I visited though, so let me know if it's back up.

    Hope this help, and good luck :)
  15. cheat-master30

    cheat-master30 Grand Master

    To be fair, as well as the overdone amount of forums (add them as you get more posts in each), I'd say you should have a bit of patience. Read this for example:


    Think about it. How long has your forum been open? Since August 2009, that's less than a month, and you've got about 30 members. That's not actually too bad in terms of activity. If it was a few months, or a year or something, sure, panic. But don't overreact, it's hardly any time at all, and you seem to have some decent promotion in that time. Post a bit more. Post useful articles, guides, etc. You'll do well in time.
  16. Ak Worm

    Ak Worm Grand Master

    I stopped the importing of the Futuris XML file. I reuploaded it. Seems the navbar is red. I will fix temlates and all. Also i havent even gotten any time to remove some forums.
    My net is killing me. Thats why the images and CSS were deleted or whatever.
  17. Ak Worm

    Ak Worm Grand Master

    Oh yeah whos registered as PeNiS? Very funny...im banning you....
  18. Ryan

    Ryan Regular Member

  19. Ak Worm

    Ak Worm Grand Master

    Is that you Ryan?
  20. jlevi

    jlevi Addict

    I'm sure whoever did wouldn't be from this forum; we want to help you.

    What do you mean your net is killing you? Again, images are an essential part of a website and it turns users off if you have broken images. Basically, it makes your site appear less professional and amateurish.

    If you make the changes to forums (e.g. condense your site into about 10 forums), you'll be off to a great start.

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