:hello: fellow addicts, We have a few new changes to announce today. We feel that these changes are ones that will improve our community, expand our resources, and provide a better experience for you. New Position: Mentors Because we strive to become the #1 administrative and management discussion community on the web, we have decided to implement a specialized usergroup that will not only benefit the community as a whole, but also the individual members who are in need of assistance regarding a specific forum script (or their forum script(s) of choice). This group, known as the "Mentors", will be composed of a select team of members who have been hand-chosen from within AdminAddict. These are members who have shown proficient levels of knowledge regarding a specific forum software script. These Mentors have agreed to continue to volunteer their time here at AA providing our community with resources for specific forum scripts. For vBulletin we have Wayne Luke and Lynne. For MyBB we have Justin S. And for IP.Board we have Boss.We thank these members for dedicating their time to offer additional resources to the AA community. Community Reviews As it stands, reviews are offered to communities on the basis that a user is willing to voluntarily give a detailed review. This means that your review request might go ignored. We have decided to bring FullMetalBabe onto the team as our official reviewer so we can now assure you that any review requests submitted will be fulfilled in a timely manner. Seeking a review gives you a way to get an outsider's opinion as to the way your forum is set up, how it looks, and its general appeal to a first-time viewer. So head on over to the Community Advertising & Reviews section and request a review whenever you're ready. (Be sure to apply the proper prefix to your thread) iTrader At the request of some of our members, namely designers, we have implemented the iTrader buyer/seller rating system. This system allows members to provide feedback to other members after completing a transaction or deal - including buying, selling or trading items/services. Rating other members allows a 'track-record' to be kept helping buyers and sellers to make informed decisions when deciding who to hire or purchase services from. You can view and offer member feedback on the "Feedback Score" tab in member profiles. Users' feedback score is also displayed in the postbit in the Graphics Requests, Marketplace and AdminAddict Connect sections. -- We hope you enjoy these features and changes. As always, we are all ears for any feedback or further suggestions you are willing to offer. We also have some substantial new changes we intend to roll out this Summer that will change AA as you know it and bring more resources to the table, so to speak. An official timeline is not available at this time, nor are any specific details as to what we intend to offer. You will be made aware in due time. Stay tuned...
Wow..Really great Announcements that you guys have made. Grats to all the new mentors! Also, Congrats to Tom for making it as an Reviewer! I'll be sure to request a review for you!
The new additions and such were gnarly! Thanks for giving me the opportunity as the Community Reviewer! Great announcement, I can't wait to see the summer changes.
Wow - the site continues to get better and better, I like the idea of itrader on sites like this especially for people like me who are newbies and may need some help with a custom skin or some graphics or something it's a good way to see whether the person is somewhat trust worthy
Well Nick, I seriously hope it's a good sign I would hate to see all these people registering and posting trying to win licenses etc for the board to stop
Some nice changes Nick And one day you surely will be . Can't wait to see those Edit: Just made a little suggestion: http://www.adminaddict.net/forum/suggestions-feedback/site-reviews-1061/#post15481
Great stuff here on AA. A big thanks to Nick/Savage/Chris for putting together a great community that sure has the makings of long term success!
Arny, it's comments like this (and members like you) that make running and managing a forum that much more enjoyable. Thank you.
Chris, I know that when I hear those positive comments on my own sites, it really pushes me to do more for my communities. So, it would only be fair for me to comment on the great community that we're building here on AA
Thanks very much, Arny! Chris about summed up our collective thoughts about you: It's true Arny. You don't know how much we appreciate feedback here.
I feel like we should have someone bust out a guitar and we all start singing "Kumbaya" or something Seriously though, it's a great thing that we've got going here. I think that a little bit of some modifications or something that is specifically only available on this site could help even more in keeping folks past that 90-days worth of contest. I'll be here (as you know me Nick from Brandon's site and how I participate over there) for the long haul