Nope! they're not the chibi(small) ones, my users liked them and wanted them exclusively for Pisoga, but they were small anyways, dunno who'd actually use them. ANYWAYS! Here are some smileys I made, 24x24 pack of 14 smileys. The smileys may be used on forums (or websites, but who use them there??) but may not be redistributed or packaged on any way without my prior consent(or SetsouMedia's)! The images are all PNG. Preview: Hope ya' enjoy~
Excellent work FMB. I'm really liking the crying smiley. You conveyed this one very well as all the others but this one for me stands out.
Wow! Trying to take Shelley's "Smiley Queen" title are we? tehehehe -- Just teasing - It's been a while since I've peeped your work girl! You've improved - Wow - those smilies are very nice! Jacquii.
I love these smileys I've seen them somewhere before but I can't quite place it.... @Brandon Sheley: and it's nice to see someone from TAZ