So I woke up today to reports that the site has had some server errors. I contacted the host this morning and the "rebooted the services" but I see it's still happening with the alerts and trying to upload images. I see the vb5connect site is down as well I'm aware of the issue and I'm looking into it, sorry for the inconvenience this has caused some of you.
The only thing I'm thinking if is a PHP error, such as a memory limit error or something. On my VPS, if I disable error reporting for PHP, a 500 error is frown in the event of a fatal error.
I'm going to be away from the pc for a few hours, I've disabled some of the plugins we had which will hopefully help. I'll be back in about 4 hours, please contact me on Twitter if you have any issues and need to get a hold of me. thanks
I've been getting them semi-frequently late night (1-4 am EDT). Usually a page refresh loads the page.
I'm guessing the shoutbox is what was causing it the memory issues to be honest. I'm going to leave it disabled on here for now. On that note we may open up an Off Topic forum for the general chat since we don't have anything for that now.
What is hte memory limit you are running now? Is this a server you control? Or shared hosting and the host is limiting the memory. This is one of those issues with mod's though. Who knows exactly how good it is. Usually mods are the ones that cause massive slow downs and errors as they may not be designed to work with other things on the system. Increasing the memory limit is not always the answer. The question is... why does it require so much? Increasing the memory limit may solve the issue right now, but may cause more issues and slower performance down the road. Keep at it Brandon. Make it work. =)
I just got the server error again. So it is still a little flacky. After dealing with VB5, did you remember to disinfect your keyboard before working on here?
Something I noticed. Current stats. Online now: 96 (members: 7, guests: 89) This is a bit out of historical norm? Getting spam attacked? This would increase the load server. Are you on shared? vps?
I'm watching things, keep reporting if you get the 500 error again. Thanks oh.. I'm sure I'm on a VPS, we have about 2 gigs of memory
You don't know what you're on :O I'm assuming it's a managed server? You should change the memory limit, but what is it currently set at (if it is WHM you can find out in there)?