$25 Banner Contest

Discussion in 'Marketplace and Exchanges' started by David, Nov 18, 2009.

  1. David

    David Regular Member

    Banner Size: 940x191
    Resolution: 72DPI minimum
    Format: .png or .jpg (also be sure you're okay with sending source .psd)

    Project Description:

    I'm about to launch a new website that provides web hosting reviews. I'm using a wordpress skin from WooThemes but I am teh suck when it comes to logos/header graphics.

    Therefore I need a talented designer to create one :D I'll give pretty much free reign on your creative abilities so use whatever methods you'd like to get a nice one done.

    If it's really nice I'll throw in some bonus cash.

    Payment via PayPal.
  2. Rocket 442

    Rocket 442 Ambitious, but Rubbish

    It'd be nice to see the wootheme we're working with ;)
  3. David

    David Regular Member

  4. Boss

    Boss Resident Silly Man

    Bloody hell that's an interesting banner. :waiting:
  5. kneel

    kneel Regular Member

    i cant make you a banner...but i did add your site to my favorites...cuz it looks really good!
  6. Okenyon

    Okenyon Champion

    i can make you a banner pm me if you still need one and the details!
  7. Frogsong

    Frogsong Newcomer

    Can you give us a little more info on what you would like to see in a banner? What would you like it to represent, I mean, besides the obvious?
  8. Switch

    Switch Newcomer

    If you're going to hand over $25 dollars for this banner, I'll make you one. Will post when I'm finished.

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