Alien...Right here! (sorry I'm late....) ---------------------------- My glass is raised to you! Nastassia
I like it here, very much....however, I have been BESIEGED by 'e's from my former board (Trivial Pursuit Online-Sony), however, jealousy abounds...
I became dissolusioned w/ the Atlantic ocean long ago....guess thats why I chose the Gulf coast (Tampa). However, I've SEEN the Gulf of Mexico...
No, these people would 're-registar' under a different name, and blatantly make fun of you. Juvinile, huh? I LIVE to be disagreed with ! Should...
Well antone from "T-S", and at LEAST 35 or so has to remember the Jersey Shore...specifically, Asbury Park. Wow, when I was a kid, every easter...
"Con Air" much testosterone can you fit into one movie? Whew! Well, I've recovered, and today looks.....promising? Gee, that didn't sound...
<FONT COLOR="Maroon">I'd love to come back....always thinking about it, working on it.....I am DONE with the south! They even took Jai-alai out of...
Thank you very much-I shall stay, but tonight is L&O night, and theres a Nicolas Cage movie on now (oooo, don't get me started...), so until...
<FONT COLOR="Navy">YES! As well as L&O, and Married....with Children (we all need to get silly sometimes-3rd rock helps, too!)</FONT c>...
<FONT COLOR="Teal">OK, but 1. do you admit to watching SOME TV (fake 'cool' people admit no TV-I don't believe it), 2. Are you master of your...
<FONT COLOR="Maroon">I am really naive, got all wrapped up in another message board, said, I realize now, waaaay too much, and some assh&%^s...
<FONT COLOR="Maroon">What kind of people are you? Don't know why, but I always seem to go for the 'angriest'-sounding spots, lots of honesty &...
Separate names with a comma.