You're nice. I won't poop on you anymore. Have this shinny thing I stole from someone, er, found laying around. . Sorry about the chewed on parts...
I'm standing right here.
HE feels very welcome, though mis-sexed, story of HIS life. Oh yes yes, young hamsters are very hard to correctly sex, we try but sometimes...
What's what spell? Is it food? Is it shiny? I like shiny.
*hambil wants a damn /me mod installed. *hambil throws a tantrum, running around pooping on everything.
Hambil NOT food. /me takes welder to cage door ---------- Post added at 09:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:52 PM ---------- What! No...
We just need to get a dog and he'll eat it, problem solved.
I have no tail. Random hamster fact.
My owner takes me to a place called 'Vets for Less', bring on your worst.
I don't bite! I'm very sweet natured.
How do I know what's important? Ooooh, shiny! Oops, I pooped.
I am a hambil. A rare cross between a hamster and a gerbil. I like pie. I like to steal and hide shinny stuff, and horde things in general. I...
Separate names with a comma.