I had ya spotted CP. Oh, hum...so what's up all?
Thanks scarier! . *Steals back bandana* *Splits it in half* Here you go, it's skinnier now, but I'll share.
I am just what the name implies...invisible... Check your PM scarier... Oh what fun we will be having!
I would be still on there...yeah, very much so actually. Don't worry though, I'll hang with you all iffen that would be alright? Good that's...
Oh Nap you don't remember me? . Check your PM.
Don't forget me on the, "not kicked off yet list." Yep, you could say I am a regular there.
Welcome Ju....Nap! . I remember you.... Howdy Scar(ier)! Hello psycho! All very familiar names or personalities in one case. Nice to have found...
About 15 in the last two weeks...wait that doesn't add up! See this is why I don't study...it frys my brain! You want salt on those fries?
Yep, yep, I think I'll fit in just fine here. I was born up dar in dat dar state a Kaansas, and let me tel ya what...I ain't never seen such tall...
Thanks for the greetings everyone. This place should prove to be quite a good time.
The subject line says it all, "Hello everyone!" I am new here...I thought I'ld let you know just incase you hadn't figured that out already....
Separate names with a comma.