Hi If you would like to introduce yourself, please make a new thread. If you need any more help, don't hesitate to ask me
Oh cool, a .info. I just hope your able to restore your site though. I'll make sure nothing bad gets posted here
It recently got hacked by someone who hacked advertise hotspot as well. I don't know if it'll be fixed
Re: No HP gaming thanks gasol. All are welcome
This is a nice forum indeed. I will definitely join it soon for advertising this site.
ello gasol, and welcome to rozzex. pm me or martin any questions you have
Welcome Naiwen to rozzex. Hope you enjoy your stay. If you have any questions, please pm me or martin
hello and welcome to rozzex Driver. Feel free to ask me any questions u have
Hi hibee, thanks for joining rozzex. While I send u the 20 rozzex coins, feel free to post as long as you follow the rules. And questions...
Warstopper? What happened to Martin? Lol, but good site anyways.
They're also there to beat you up with knives
Good job with this so far Martin
No HP gaming [attach] nohp.co.cc Welcome to No HP gaming, a gaming site for gamers. This site is mainly revolved at games: video games,...
That's cause you defy the law
ya i forgot to say theres no way i can get this done. Thanks leo for doin this
U gotta post more then that bro
I think then what you got to do is try to post a lot more so your members can reply to them
The one thing that is bugging me is why don't you have more members? I mean, this site is epic, yet not many members for a site like this
That's what she said. And also, thank you very much for the domain, it's really coming in handy for me
Well for one, a domain name goes a LONNNGGGG way. You see, I have absolutely no money on the internet, so I'm out of luck.
Separate names with a comma.