Yes, I wanted to test vbseo as I manage about 8 forums now (not all mine) so before I suggest it to clients, I need to make sure it's worth it.
What site is ranking higher than yours? What's his pagerank. I'm relatively new to all this but my competing sites (I have two sites on the same...
It's been a little over a month, I'll check back in August sometime and let you know how it progresses or stays the same.
So far I'm not impressed. Google is what I keep my eye on. To me, it really looks like it's all about pagerank. The higher your pagerank, the...
English, french, Italian. May end up moving to Poland eventually so polish may be my 4th language.
Well I went ahead and bought a vbseo license for one of my forums. I actually have 2 forums that compete against eachother. On 3 specific keywords...
Going to upgrade 3 boards this weekend.
You guys have super clean desks. My is like a tornado hit
Waiting for VB4 before deciding which SEO way to go.
Top of the forum is the best. I had them for about 6 months before they banned me cause someone was clicking them non stop. Even though it wasn't...
Photoshop, illustrator, indesign, adobe. These tools I use often. I work as a programmer/graphic designer/ and commercial printer.
What option do you guys use? Just a simple email through the php function or do you use the smtp relays? I find the smtp relays work better...
Thanks for the welcome Nick. Nice place you have here.
Can be a good ideal but maybe a hack that shows the pictures at the top of the more or bottom may be good. I can't see people clicking threads non...
hello, nice to meet you
Found the site off a sig on vbulletin. Just wanted to introduce myself. Been running forums for 8 years now.
Separate names with a comma.