If IPB would dissapear I would go for MyBB or vBulletin. MyBB got the edge since I'm not to happy about the way IB took.
In the order if things matters for me. 1: These guild networks have horrible forums with slow respond times. Amount of advertisement isn't to...
My vote is for Phpbb. Even if I hate the default skin. However I haven't tried mybb yet... So please don't take it as a offense guy's :)
I upgraded. However if they screw it up one more time I'll switch all my projects to IPB. All my new projects will currently start in IPB.
I've just started a new Project in IPB Community Suite. I must admit I'm extremely impressed by both the service and software. On first sight it...
I must admit. This service gives IPS more worth of they're name :)
Since I started my board a short while before VB4 I thought it would be useless to make myself to used to addons so I preffer to wait till vb4 is...
I personally ignore them/mod them away. Depending on how frustration it is. Most of the time I just ignore them.
Well I currently plan to base a whole Website on vbulletin. I currently have hosted my 2nd license on a temporary location to prepare it. I save...
PM him here or mail him :)
Mybb since its so clean and you see that it directly involves the community. IPB looks more proffesional though.
The first and active ones are important for me. After the first month(s) I make a selection of who is allowed to get a special rank. These ranks...
Firefox however I'm using more google chrome currently due to its speed.
In my country you can only use it with one of the worse telecom providers... So no :)
For me it just depence on the scale of piracy and personal reasons. I won't report for a small private forum however I will for a forum that is...
It seems pretty nice :) Its true that most of the experts start at a young age. I guess justin is one of them.
If I'm honest, I have some network domains that I own and I use subdomains for personal projects. When one of my site grows larger I'll bind them...
I just use the default skin. I haven't even tried other skins out if I'm honest. However I would use a different one when I set more Boards up.
Well the most issue's are with spammers that don't wish to resolve they're issue's. I gave them currently a nice forum to spam under and I guess...
Well. I personally don't even know the shortcuts and with clicky you can directly browse again
Separate names with a comma.