I personally cannot read the greyish text on the grey backgrounds. Not enough contrast. Other people who suffer mild color-blindness and...
Not really. Leasing hosting services is a business arrangement it doesn't mean they own your website. It would be no different if you leased...
Coffee is... in hand with more brewing. Getting chilly here in the morning now. Is 46 degrees outside so I guess we're actually going to have...
Have never been hunting. However my father was a Marine Marksmen/Sniper so he taught my brothers and I how to take down an intruder in our homes...
Win7 goes retail on October 22nd. I already pre-ordered two copies when Microsoft had their presale in July for $49.99 a copy.
Over the past decade, I have made my family decently comfortable working in the web forum industry.
If he does so than it is not a legitimate business arrangement with Jelsoft. There are no such resellers of vBulletin. Their "Ready To Go...
We have a nice electric kettle. Heats water to boiling in about 2 minutes. It is great for making tea or cocoa. Cost about $20.00 and you'll get...
You should try Windows 7... As I posted in a thread on another forum, I don't close applications anymore under Windows 7. They just run in the...
No. It would need to be over 8 to start getting into the bad area.
Your house is larger than mine. A house in my area with an acre of land would be about $300K. Though my wife and I have gone against American...
Living in California, I can't afford a house so my family and I live in a 16 room mansion made out of discarded refrigerator boxes. Luckily it...
I've always used "software package" and "software packages" or "software program" and "software programs". Or even simpler if the context is known...
Only the mail server needs RDNS entries. The computers connecting to it to send mail do not. Mail tracking doesn't originate from your local...
Install Microsoft Virtual-PC and "Windows XP Mode" in your Windows 7 installation. http://www.microsoft.com/windows/virtual-pc/ That is a cruddy...
Unresolvable IDs can belong to a proxy server.
Not that we would go without government assistance for 7 days. Just we need to plan for it. Our last disasters, not counting forest fires, were...
They can go off the air for a variety of reasons depending on how the channel is delivered to its customers. I would suspect that their computers...
The site is actually WordPress Themes, HTML Templates - ThemeForest.
Most of the Made by Mary addons include multiple vulnerabilities. If you use them your best interests are served by hiring someone to do a...
Separate names with a comma.