I kinda agree with the other ppl, that looks like one tough hugging smiley. more like a weightlifter or something ----------------------------...
---------------------------- Diesel Dan: "In your instincts, you must trust. Lie to you, they will not. Protect you, they will.--Yoda" LOVE ME...
Alien: Hey Homey!! How you hangin in deez pahts of da fo'ums!! HomeSlice!! ---------------------------- Diesel Dan: "In your instincts, you...
Welcome to 'The Soup' I'm glad to see you're trying us out Mth is not alone in lending out her shoulder and advice, but she is very good at it...
---------------------------- "I've been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding..." LOVE ME LOVE MY DOG I never make the...
Mth: but I just had to say it. no one else was going to ---------------------------- "I've been around the world and found that only stupid...
Hewwo Would you like a bowl of Soup? geez I kill me ---------------------------- "I've been around the world and found that only stupid...
You do now. ---------------------------- "I've been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding..." LOVE ME LOVE MY DOG I...
YAY!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! THAT IS GREAT NEWS!!! ---------------------------- "I've been around the world and found that only stupid...
You got a dirty mind!! ---------------------------- "I've been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding..." LOVE ME...
Poss Welcome to The Soup, CKH ---------------------------- "I've been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding..."...
I think I'll just stand him on top of my christmas tree as a tree ornament...yeah, I think he'll look good up there. What do you think?...
AWESOME!!!!! great job!! ---------------------------- "I've been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding..." LOVE ME...
Those are funny . I like them . ---------------------------- "I've been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding..."...
....and some more!!! OOOOOOOO ---------------------------- "I've been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding..."...
I am privaledged to announce that there are new smilies available (sorry, no dog smilies for us dog lovers...YET!!) Here they are!!...
no it's perfectly fine!! it's getting to the point here where I'm starting to think myself as Lysi in my dreams...I think that's scary!! Howdy...
I also need to know where are you interested in meeting. Being that Alien Soup is within the tri-state are, I'd like to know where is the best...
Is anyone out there interested in getting together some time? Since Alien Soup resides within the tri-state area, I was wondering if anyone would...
Separate names with a comma.