Napoli's pun of the day: SwissSmiss is now known as Ms. Cut The Cheese (she farts and look at her avatar...) And, okay then, welcome DUDE!...
Handicapped parking space....I like that! . I have a name in mind...but I think I'll let my sick sense of humor remain hidden. ....
ohhhhh. I guess I can see where that could be a valuable thing to do. On the other hand, sometimes I go cruising thru the main page and when I...
In the stories and games section there seems to be one topic "stuck" at the top. On the main page the date changes, but the 'last poster'...
Good luck! I've already thought of a couple ideas. But now I will have more time to think of more. . ------------------ I wander, therefore I...
I'm curious about the custom user ranks. Would you provide more info please? Thanks. ------------------ I wander, therefore I roam. I came, I...
Duh! . And here I've been using the back tab. ------------------ I wander, therefore I roam. I came, I saw, I conquered, I rule! me !~the coke...
. . . How about a scale? Like the scales of justice (but without the blindfold)? huh? huh? huh? Fits the name...and I'm just so full of...
oh my gawd...I think I'm going to go into a...gasp....COCA-COLA withdrawal!! What will save ladyserenity from this dreaded dilemna? What will...
ooooooooooooooooo...I absolutely LOVE it!! Thanks! Alien, pretty please???? May I have that for my avatar?? . ------------------ I wander,...
No, I'm not. The interesting thing is, tonight (knock on wood) I'm showing as logged in. *whispers* I think I'll tiptoe around...
ok, ok.....just having fun with the smilies. I'm just learning. (really had to resist the urge to put a smilie here)
. What? I'm innocent. . <FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">[This message has been edited by ladyserenity on January 28, 2001...
That oh so great son of mine? hmmmm...I don't think he comes to this forum. .
I tried it...twice. It still doesn't work. I get the greeting to ladyserenity... but the front page calls me guest and I have to type in my user...
I am such a coca-cola fanatic. I have a coke with me constantly. I collect all sorts of coke things. Would it be possible to find a coke avatar...
When I log in I get a nice little greeting, but then I am not logged in any more. Some places I try to go and am told...sorry, you have to be a...
<FONT face="Comic Sans MS">geesh......all that fart dust!</FONT f> No wonder it took me so long to get back here. whew! Who is this Nappy...
<FONT face="Comic Sans MS">ME! Please allow me to introduce myself.</FONT f> . Looking forward to getting to know everyone....
Separate names with a comma.