Going to bed now... long day ahead tomorrow :(
I remember when I converted my MyBB forum to vBulletin. Thats the only time I have converted from one software to another. Have you ever converted...
Gotta go with paid software, free software is always great but paid software is generally better. Thats just my opnion ;)
Hey allow free speech only to an extent, they have to remember than the owner/admin still has the say as he/she owns/runs the forum.
Haha I have to agree, its a very nice forum.
I always do it myself, its not hard. But if I had some funding then I would pay as I am quite lazy.
Even with post counts turned off I still wouldnt have a games section as its a big distraction. But thats just my opinion.
Awesome article Cpvr, how exactly does Project Wonderful work? Loved reading it, keep it up :)
Never. I will either try to work it out with them, but most likely I will ban them as I dont need members like that on my forum.
Their support sucks, they dont even have cPanel, just their own custom panel. And my forum is very small and it loads very slow.
That does look alot Better.
Well nulled scripts will always be there, but a good person wouldnt use it.. the developers work hard to make it, and we have to pay for it while...
Welcome to AdminBB Ruko! Good to see you :)
To me it does.. I cant stand phpBB forums along with some freeforum hosting software such as proboards. I just dont feel comfortable posting on...
Its my job and passion. I get paid for my passion :P
You put some two very good points. I would also like to add: One thing some do is spamvertise, and that actually discourages people from joining.
I love AdminBB!
Yea true:p
Welcome, it could use more activity though :)
Forumer, but blogger occasionally, I have two blogs.
Separate names with a comma.