To our knowledge, they never actually managed to get access to the servers, just the domains. It was the result of a compromise of Chris' Apple ID...
If you mean how long until 1.8 is out, we're hoping for a beta release in May, but we're making no guarantees right now. It's definitely going to...
MyBB 1.8 is very real: :) The timing of the announcement was intended to be a bit of a joke. The...
MyBB has an extensive set of features but they're aren't too complicated, and it has many features that other free forum softwares don't have...
I try to welcome every person who posts an introduction thread. If I say anything more than welcome largely depends on what they say in their...
I check Google Analytics once or twice a week, just to keep track of how things are doing each month and possibly project out total pageviews for...
Currently the ads are making $0 because the advertiser that was supposed to be advertising backed out at the last minute for some reason. Was...
I don't see why using free forum software is a bad thing? :p As long as it's MyBB, of course.
RCTgo's website is a PR5, the forums subdomain is a PR3. No idea what they were before.
Don't worry about it - 2.0 is still a long while off. All we have presently is what we've shown off in the blog post: The basic framework is...
Goodbye Spammer takes that a step further - it completely cleans out their profile (all profile fields, signature, avatar), any private messages...
I have two favorites: - MyBB GoMobile - it adds a very sleek mobile theme and switches you to it automatically when you visit from mobile...
I use a completely custom theme so the forums blend in with the rest of the website's design as best as possible. :)
MyBB will not become a premium software. There are no plans to do it, and there have been no internal discussions about it. It's not even a...
In MyBB's defense, the current theme dates back to pre-MyBB 1.0. As in it's more than 5 years old (and parts of it haven't changed since they were...
Just wanted to mention that I rebuilt the forums theme - please let me know what you think!
6 years. Founded it January 30, 2005. Hard to believe, to be completely honest.
It is an awesome language pack, isn't it? :)
Upgrade from 1.4 to 1.6 is near seamless. I was able to fix my (heavily customized) theme in a matter of a few minutes - if you haven't made any...
I didn't convert; I just opened up a new forum and started over. We hadn't had many posts at that point anyway, so it wasn't a huge difference. I...
Separate names with a comma.