Mr. Bob-O-Fart, You have entered the room of The *Sentinal*. The purpose of this room is to keep tabs on the Alien Infestation that has infested...
Ripley the good Doctor is under double Secret Probation*. I have my eye on him and any, I repeat any unauthorized uberprobing will result in the...
I Sir have never been involved in *nefarious activities nor have I ever induldged in *malodorous conniving. Your slanderous *Buncombe shall not go...
I see you got off with probation Doctor Probe. Damn Intergalactic courts are to dam lienent now a days. Well at least they took away you retched...
Sorry to here about your "acidental" communication Glitch may Dear Doctor.:rolleyes: My how could such a thing happen?
The good doctor has been returned to his home planet to face the music. His pickle decomissioned. He will bother not another human women. I accept...
I am in no way affiliated with the pootang ranch. That sorded Alien whore house was under sole ownership of OK57 a corporate entity out of the...
Maybe now you understand how you can not trust these horny, pickle wielding Green Alien's. He has addicted you to an unregistered uberpickle and...
Do not worry about the good doctor he is very safe and comfortable in his new time stasis recovery cell. In a few thousand years he will arrive...
Oh my poor dear delusional Human Female! You and Rosebud are both suffering from the withdrawl of Alien contact. I would recomend you attend AAA...
how do you post a picture in a post? All I see is a url and that does not work?
The Uberprober was originally invented by *Umwap Sitenthe 16th-* of Rigel 7 Sub Continent 6.78%. The original design plans are filed in the SSGPO...
Ripley can not you see the writing upon wall? See you not the scoundrel at work? There are no tickler heads on an authentic Uberproper. The...
Ripley I implore you to let me de-pickle you. The pleasure you will derive from the process is uncomprehensible. You will never allow another...
Ha! So it is even worse that I suspected. You would have the poor hapless gold card carrying SUV-driving saucy soccer mom burn down her domicile...
Now you see the danger in dealing with Alien intelopers rosebud. They think only of their agenda and nothing of the decimation they leave in their...
First off Doctor I must serve you notice: Doctor You are dully informed that "nihil obstat" granted by the Übermensch of vega system has been...
Doctor You are dully informed that "nihil obstat" granted by the Übermensch of vega system has been officially withdrawn. You are here by ordered...
Rosebud hot_shizzle42 is nothing more than an automated Auto- bot created by The Doctor to sell his weapons to the unsuspecting humans. if you...
Meeting you at the library yesterday was the first time Sentinel. Although you gave me information about Schizander I wonder if this information...
Separate names with a comma.