1) I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but it is incredibly slow loading. Even the letters in this post aren't appearing at typing...
Still getting used to it, but I'm glad it's here....
While I'm not happy about OKJT closing, I certainly understand it. Dan, many thanks for your hard work, major time donation, and extreme...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MIMI! I hope this will be the very best year so far! I'd offer a table dance too, but I want you to have a GOOD start to...
I was attempting a mood lightening funny- Unsuccessfully, I guess.
Looks like a pirate who only wants to steal red circles with lines through them. I don't imagine there would be a huge re-sale market for these,...
Wait- you're skipping the drivel? Not fair! Skip the drivel and forum maintainance goes down to about 4 minutes a day!...
I......WISH you a Happy Birthday, I WISH you a Happy Birthday, I WISH you a Happy Birthday and ma-any mooooore.....
Welcome aboard! Put on some flippers and wade on in!
Hapy B=day Sandman a day late sorry .....And a late Happy Birthday from me as well, KJ Sandman!
Gee, who's the newbie? :laughpill: Nice to see ya, Hank!
A Nice look! Strangely enough, the photo editing firmware in my phone- "PhotDJ" - actually has more than that of the software in my PC, including...
Changed my mind- Btech is fine. Poll not taking my vote, though...
Um, I would have come up with something more exciting- but that's just me...:winkpill: HAPPY BIRTHDAY anyway!
Athena, it's CBE-7 Charbuster Essentials 450
1) OK, but used to be that the smilies were on the side of the reply box and I just clicked on them- didn't have to "go advanced" except to edit....
Um, No, not even close. My screen has reverted to the default color, with no way to change it back. Answering posts is different too. Also, it...
Bodacious Natal Day to you, Audio One!
Separate names with a comma.