nootch has been hiding in the dark corner of the internet with me, secretly plotting. secretly plotting about what you may ask? only time will...
haha what a great welcome! thanks guys
Haven't been here in a while. Hi everyone! :toot:
dont you watch the simpsons? sheeeesh and that thread is the "a question for spiderg" in water cooler. still dont work . ------------------ If I...
konichiwa! nice to meet you . ------------------ If I had some wings, I'd fly you all around; If I had some money, I'd buy you the goddam town;... where'd it go, daveeeeeeey? ------------------ If I had some wings, I'd fly you all...
/me pokes nap STOP SQUINTING SO MUCH!! ITS BAD FOR YOU!! ------------------ who is the sexiest bitch that you ever did see? FI-NI-TY!
thanks babes ------------------ who is the sexiest bitch that you ever did see? FI-NI-TY!
maybe under the little graphics under someones name you could add a little male or female thing cause sometimes i forget . ------------------ who...
yay new site!! hoorah! ------------------ who is the sexiest bitch that you ever did see? FI-NI-TY!
polls are fun! more of them! remember in the good ol days with the polls like "what fast food?" "what soda?" "which french fry?" more polls!...
just came across a post with some uhh..."modified" smilies check em out. maybe add some to the soup? . Smilies ----------------------------...
if i might suggest the new Aim Beta supports the talk feature. if both users have relatively fast connections its pretty nice or else just...
i just saw an ad on the page that transfer you from posting a message to the new page that intrested me but when i went to click it the new page...
hehe i knew it too when they started fuxin with the least now theres some extra to go around CONGRATS MTH!!!!!!! WE LOVE...
oooooooooh *Finity sense a tension in the air* come on now people! you're in a MEADOW!! take deep, cleansing breaths. mmmmn smell that fresh...
*ahem* *cough cough* *NUDGE* i could, you know....erm...always use...heh...some mth?! you know i love you *hug* heheh...
YAAAAAAAY!!! welcome to all the new people!! and welcome to mth to this forum, for she is now a NEW MOD!! fear her wrath!! embrace her glory!!...
YAY MTH!!! WOOOHOOO!!!! FINALLY!! i wish i could be an over-bitch . hehe hey mth, you wanna assimilate me? eh? eh? .
banshee: thats on the best of chris farley thingys. i have it on dvd. its fantastic
Separate names with a comma.