I truly suggest you take breaks and stick to them. You won't do anyone there any good if you are mentally, physically and spiritually exhausted....
From my experiences, referral contests work under the assumption that everyone knows a lot of people who haven't already joined the site in...
I never bothered with filters because the only purpose they end up serving is to put a spotlight on the very words that bother you. Anyone who...
Well if you liked a post but had no likes or thanks feature then you would be forced to post. Then again, having the feature might discourages...
The only logical reason anyone would restrict users from necroposting at all is to force them to inflate the topic count with topics. We don't...
I always had one and left post count enabled simply because post count meant absolutely nothing on either board I owned in the past. I really...
I personally prefer dark skins myself but always give options for both light and dark as people have different tastes and there is no harm in...
I agree that great content is king but great leadership is queen and one without the other will never work.
They can post them if they want but I personally find them annoying depending on the issue causing their departure. If it has anything to do...
I never really bothered myself with these contests as I always saw it as a popularity contest which doesn't really mean much nor something I would...
I feel that eventually you will just favor one over the other and the one that you don't care as much for will suffer for it. I think it's best to...
I would have responded to the last question's answer with " What future?" lol Just goes to show you that age is only a number as he clearly acts...
If your board attracts good people then you won't have problems It has nothing to do with the presence of the shoutbox but the type of people you...
Forum name: Rapture Forum URL: http://raptureif.net/ Description: A general Chat board where fun and randomness rules over all. We of course...
I never bothered to consider deleting zero posters simply because I never saw any benefit in doing so. I only see the negative in not being able...
If a topic is really going off topic then I would suggest making a post that encourage discussion that leads back to what the topic is originally...
Passion for the board Activitiy Attitude and how they act with fellow members Maturity Writing ability(can't have people who can't make a post...
I honestly don't care what someone's age is as it doesn't reflect how mature or immature you act. You would be surprised at how some adults act...
I never had any problems on boards I owned as I was very good at spotting good people and knowing what to look for so I don't have problems....
I don't really care too much about experience because experience can be gained rather easily. You can't however teach someone how to be a good...
Separate names with a comma.