I know that the sex can matter. For example I imagine there are a lot less girls on forums like admin talk, simply because the field generally...
Interesting :). Have you tried anything like this before, and did it work?
Many of my blogs visitors get referred by others. Word of mouth is an extremely important aspect of marketing as people recommending their friends...
Good points :). I would just like to expand on the mobile part of the text, as the word is going mobile+tablet :). So, sites need to be responsive...
Hi guys, what custom things do you watch with your Google Analytics, or your favorite tracking platform? I like to know how many visitors are...
I believe that forums should have general guidelines, but not allowing the posting of images/memes just damages the forum in my mind. They are...
Well, if they were honest and told me they would go inactive, I don't see the reason not to hire them back on when they turn active again. In...
I also find it a great service. It is by no means perfect and can't help everyone, but certainly worth giving a shot. As for ratings - well...
If messages look a lot different when you edit them vs when you post them, than that WYSIWYG editor sucks :). I use the one on wordpress, it is...
I think these types of forums can exist for mega popular products like apple iPod or similar, and they later branch out to newer products from the...
Hi, do you guys utilize forum posting for traffic generation? I found it extremely effective, especially if I post on the forum because I like...
A great site you can learn inbound marketing is Hubspots Inbound Marketing University. The site offers 18 lectures, where the lectures are...
Mods get experience, satisfaction and exposure. If a moderator says something or links to something, it usually has more significance than what...
I also like manually typing code as for me it is faster than having to stop typing and then highlight the word and input either bold, italic or...
You have to have a fairly active forum in order for people to find it alluring enough to join. I doubt making content available to registered...
I also use this feature extensively. I actually refused to participate in a few forums that did not have it. It makes my life much easier, and if...
Since I use wordpress for my blog, all I needed was hosting and a domain. I paid around 70ish $ for hosting, and got an .com .net .org domain + a...
I think more local forms are needed for most topics. For example Eastern Europe has few good internet marketing related forums, wish I could have...
I am the same way. Almost every day when I think its time to go to bed, I get ideas and simply have to write them down/ start working on them ......
Thanks for the warm welcome guys :). Favorite beer - the one closest to my hand :D As for favorite girls, currently I love how Rihanna looks,...
Separate names with a comma.