My board had (and still has) more than 1m posts.
Nope. I'm making a new one. seems to be easier to work with. no data loss at all. all passwords remain intact. Although it took a lot longer than...
Yes and no. converted one to IPB and have to stick with vb for the other one.
Well my biggest board is a private one. why we did that in first place? TBH I don't remember exactly but I believe it was because of serious troll...
It's mocking me way more than everyone else. My board is Right-to-Left. in default skin it's in the same spot ( relatively!) but in most of other...
Litespeed without a doubt. been using it for two years.
It's probably a custom mod. caz It's not even listed in his own site: Invision Tweaks
I'm not sure about Joomla but Drupal has a plugin : Import HTML |
Forum A: beyond my expectations Forum B: a total disappointment :D
WP is not just a blog (any more). it's a publishing platform. You can do almost anything you want. with a little knowledge of CSS. and from what I...
dumb queston: have enbaled furl in conf_global.php?
May be FURL is not enabled? it's the second setting. you need .htaccess if you : 1- have apache ( or litespeed) to have mod_rewrite 2- want to...
plus if you wanna do it manually here is what you gotta do: look and feel---> [your skin set]---> Manage Templates & CSS ---> Global Templates...
here you go: Invision Power Services -> Download Manager -> Hooks and Plugins -> [RM020] IPB 3.x - Google Analytics Hook install the hook and give...
A unique, ( meaningless perhaps!) short easy to remember and of course funky phrase. :p
I need a list my lists then. :s
Ehhh, some of'em have complaints which most of them are acceptable. For example one of the things almost 95% of our members (including myself!)...
This is an award system: Invision Power Services -> Download Manager -> Applications -> (PIN) Awards Management System this is point/bank/store...
you mean sharing youtube videos? if so this might be waht you want: Blackburn Ravers -> Download Manager -> BRC's IPB 3.x.x Forum Mods -> (BRC)...
Global one? nope. there is a per forum banner manager though :Invision Tweaks -> Download Manager -> IPB v3.0.x Modifications -> Banner Ads Per...
Separate names with a comma.