Yes, I used forumotion - once and never again! Because I couldn't order a backup, I had to startet with zero postings and members again after...
Yes, the phpBB2 version from forumotion, but I've never used a "real" phpBB. I think, it's not as secure as a paid software like WBB3, Xenforo or...
No, luckily I haven't ever had to close my forum for bad reasons ;)
I play videogames, sure - I'm admin of a forum about a video game series ;) That's Super Mario. And I only play Super Mario, no other game ;) But...
I think, WBB3 is the easiest one to style, especialle if you want to have more than one style for your forum. Forumotion software is also easy to...
I'm using WBB myself, it's pretty good forum software - and much cheaper than XenForo, IPB and vB. But some forums are using selfmade forum...
Yes, I read in the german vb forum about the drama. with IB. It is unbelievable... When I started my forum, I wanted a vB at first, but then I...
My forum is completely free of ads, but it's "only" hosted on a 30GB webspace. So I pay about 3€ a month for hosting and twenty € a year for both...
I don't have banned them, because not only spammers may use such eMail providers, and all of the blocked spammers are using hotmail-adresses. And...
I include the whole message in the eMail notifications bebause it's standard in WBB3 :)
I don't ban very often. Spambots are blocked from registering automatically via Stopforumspam and a honeypot, and the users of my forum aren't...
Because I live in Austria and nearly all of my members are from germany, I've never seen them in real live, but in the forum we talk and chat...
I have one administrator - myself - and one moderator only for the RPG, because my forum is not very big and I don't have as much experience in...
It's a me, Mario :-D
Separate names with a comma.